Source: Reuters
First Lady Michelle Obama urged young Africans on Wednesday to fight for women's rights and battle the stigma of AIDS, using her husband's "yes, we can" campaign slogan to motivate youth across the continent.

Source: TrustLaw
What once was a quartet of entities dealing with women’s issues is now one and the pressure is on Michelle Bachelet, former president of Chile and newly minted United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Director of the new UN Women to make the case for “The Future of UN Women.”

Source: IPS
Last Friday's recommendation to give the incumbent U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon another five-year term drew the international community's attention to another opaque, non- democratic process that is the hallmark of the 15-member Security Council's decision-making.

Source: IPS
As an estimated 3.7 million dollars continues to sit idle in the Women Enterprise Fund (WEF) kitty, the very women the fund was meant to benefit have complained about the difficult requirements that need to be met in order to access the money.

Source: IPS
Without a college education and against the backdrop of limited job opportunities, it was not easy for Salome Wairimu to find employment.

Source: UN Radio
The UN Human Rights Council in Geneva has elected the first woman ever to serve as its President.

Source: All Africa
Most women still find it difficult to negotiate safe sex with their partners. The problem is even more prevalent among women who are economically dependent on men.

Source: All Africa
As part of their efforts towards protecting the human rights of women and girls in the Gambia and URR in particular, over one hundred and seventeen communities in the region have on the 12th of June 2011 pledged to abandon the cultural and traditional practices of FGC

Source: UN News Centre
Up to 3.6 million deaths could be avoided each year in 58 developing countries if midwifery services are upgraded, according to a report released today by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and partners.

Source: Africa Review
Delegates from across the continent on Friday opened the fifth pan-African gender conference in Dakar, Senegal.

Source: TrustLaw
Below are some facts on women in South Sudan which is set to become the world’s newest country on July 9.

Source: All Africa
Some sectors like agriculture, education and health where women actively participate gained and we are happy. However, it must be noted that our women don't take part in commercial agriculture where benefits are very positive; most of them are into subsistence farming.

Source: TurstLaw
In her first official visit to Tunisia, Michelle Bachelet, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women,

Source: All Africa
In a groundbreaking achievement for upholding the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the United Nations Human Rights Council has passed a resolution on human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity (L.9/Rev.1). 

Source: UN News Centre
The United Nations Human Rights Council today expressed grave concern at the violence and discrimination experienced by people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity and called for a global study to document the suffering they face.

Source: UN News Centre
The United Nations is set to unveil a report highlighting the vital work of midwives in ensuring that millions of women and newborn children do not die needlessly at a time when many countries still lack enough skilled staff to serve as birth attendants.

Source: Open Democracy
In the words of the African parable, when elephants fight, it's the grass that suffers. Then what will they have to survive on? Alice Welbourn reports on the plethora of men on the platform in New York....

Source: ILO
The government, worker and employer delegates at the 100th annual Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO) on Thursday, 16 June adopted a historic set of international standards aimed at improving the working conditions of tens of millions of domestic workers worldwide.

Source: UNICEF
Thousands of children in Africa are experiencing violence, exploitation and abuse on a daily basis. The situation is especially stark for children living and working on the streets.

Source: All Africa
Concern Universal Tuesday launched a women empowerment project at the governor's bantaba in Mansanjang, Basse, Upper River Region (URR).

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