Source: The Daily Beast
When the Egyptian army performed a “virginity test” on Samira Ibrahim, she sued, sparking both support and threats of death. How she and others are changing life for women.

Source: Saturday Tribune
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Africa's first elected female president whose steely nerves have been tested at the helm of a deeply divided post-war Liberia, has again  have been tested at the helm of a deeply divided post-war Liberia, has again  been sworn-in  for a second term in office, after wining  Liberia’s last election with high votes .

Source: The Star
Special Programmes minister Esther Murugi has called on Kenyanwomen to unite and form a strong political party. Speaking during a one-day voter education workshop at Nyeri CDF hall, Murugi said most people in the country are women who could form a political party to clinch many seats in the next general election.

Source: Vancuver Sun
Many Egyptian political parties, especially dominant Islamist groups, have refused to commit to protecting women's rights and to abolishing the death penalty, Amnesty International said on Tuesday.

Source: Afrique en ligne
African women want to bring real added value to the development of intra-African trade by implementing their sense of innovation and their dynamism, a spokesman of African women, Algerian Fatima Karadja, declared on Tuesday in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

On Friday, 6th January CNN International's Inside Africa show aired an exclusive interview with successful African women entrepreneurs who recently participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) African Women's Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP) program hosted by U.S. State Department.

Women working at the Banjulinding horticultural garden have expressed their concerns regarding the high cost of electricity, lack of water and markets for their produce. The women gardeners made these complaints when this reporter visited the garden over the weekend.

Source: Vanguard
In line with the call by the United Nations for countries to ensure long-term food security, Federal government has been urged to enact policies that would ensure women's ownership of land in the country.

Source: The Moment
HUNDREDS of women on Monday morning blocked a major highway along Zaria/Kaduna road, to protest against their forced eviction by the Nigeria Air Force (NAF) from their ancestral home at a village behind Barakallahu, near Rigachikun, a satellite town in Kaduna.

Source: Sudan Tribune
The Islamic Fiqh Council in Sudan issued a fatwa (religious order) saying that it is forbidden for the country to create a womens soccer team, deeming it an immoral act.

Source: Public Agenda
Even though government has put measures in place to ensure gender equality and women empowerment, their status has not changed when it comes to representation in political offices hence, likelihood for further reduction of women in Parliament come 2013 making Ghana part of countries in Africa with bad records on women's representation.

Source: Rwanda Focus
When entering one of the cosmetic shops in town, the sight that greets you is of rows of prod­ucts that are supposed to give smoother, lighter skin to the al­most exclusive female clientele. "I want my skin to be brighter and smoother," one lady in the shop explains, confirming the persistent perception among some women that lighter-skinned people are more beau­tiful or have a better social and economic status.

Source: News Day
South Africa's Home Affairs minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, who is vying for the African Union Commission chairperson position, has pledged to focus on the development of the continent, including fighting and reducing poverty and underdevelopment if she lands the top job.

Source: Nairobi Star
Former Limuru MP George Nyanja has in partnership with the CFSK and the Kenya Post Office Savings bank donate 10 computers to women's groups. Nyanja speaking in Nyambari, Lari district, said the women approached him asking to be empowered with computer skills.

Source: Daily Monitor
At least 4,000 women in Karamoja have been enrolled for family planning to help households improve their livelihoods. Officials from Maries Stopes, an NGO working in collaboration with the Ministry of Health on reproductive health issues in the sub-region, said the response is positive.

Source: Business Daily
I welcome the recent Capital Markets Authority push for more women seats in the boardroom. The reason for this should not be gender equality but a more businesswise approach.

Source: Daily News
THE Deputy Minister for Community Development, Gender and Children Ummy Ally Mwalimu has urged youths to actively participate in the constitutional review process.

Source: TrustLaw
Dorcas Mbvuto, 32, was raped by a spiritual leader in her church in April 2010 on the outskirts of Queens Park West, a Bulawayo suburb. Three months later, the quiet woman was shocked when she discovered that she was pregnant with his baby, says one of her sisters, who declined to be named.

Source: RNW
Mali's President Amadou Toumani Toure has signed a new family law, an official said Friday, after it was revised due to pressure from Muslim groups to cut out sections providing for greater women's freedoms.

Source: New Democrat
In an accelerated drive to promote youth empowerment, especially adolescent girls across the African continent, the government of Japan has granted US$86,206 to Youth Crime Watch of Liberia (YCWL).

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