Source: CNN
An inaugural group of Congolese women graduated Saturday from a gender violence survivors program in the nation's east, where armed rebels roam the hills and rape residents.

Source: The Citizen
Slightly more than a week ago, some street vendors in Malawi's capital, Lilongwe, suffered what appeared to be a bout of collective madness.

Source: News 24
The ANC Woman's League had its fingers crossed on Sunday for Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma's election as the first chairwoman of the African Union Commission.

Source: RNW
Mbale — Female circumcision, often referred to as female genital mutilation, affects an estimated 92 million girls in Africa aged 10 and above. In Uganda, the practice was officially banned in 2009 but it is still practiced in rural areas by groups such as the Sabiny in the east of the country.

Source: The Monitor
She always thought that a pap smear was an important test that every woman should take.

Source: The Monitor
Women and girls in societies with fundamental inequalities are the intended and unintended causalities of war. Those caught in the military conflict faced sexual violence and exploitation, torture, forced recruitment, rape, mass rape, and trafficking.

Source: The Washington Post
Newly empowered Islamist leaders stood up for Arab democracy Friday, saying extremists need to be brought into the fold and chiding the West for objectifying women and income inequalities.

Source: The Guardian
Despite a quota system to boost female participitation, the gender imbalance is still heavily skewed towards men.

Source: TrustLaw
The Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (HLF-4) which took place in Busan, Korea, from 29th November to 1st December 2011 saw some progress being made in the aid and development effectiveness process but there are still a number of outstanding concerns.

Source: IRIN
Breast cancer continues to be misunderstood, under-diagnosed and fatal, particularly in developing countries, say researchers, despite more than one million official annual diagnoses and almost half a million recorded deaths annually.

Source: UN News Centre
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called today on business leaders attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to increase their investment in women’s education and health to ensure their well-being and encourage their participation in the world economy.

Source: Indianapolis Star
Referring to a situation as a "woman's issue" has often meant that it is not regarded as significant. Unlike other forms of intolerance, society often defines gender roles as a matter of culture, not ethics. But current events throughout the Middle East call that assumption into question.

Source: The Nation
The idea first took shape in conversations between two old friends, musician Peter Gabriel and inventive entrepreneur Richard Branson. What the world needs now, they decided, is a nucleus of wise elder statesmen and women to grapple with seemingly intractable global issues that governments and international institutions overlook or have failed to correct.

Source: MoneyWeb
Since the Industrial Revolution, global output and wealth have grown immensely. A number of factors have driven this growth - specialisation and the division of labour, the invention of the company with its risk-limiting quality, and of models for assembling financing for large projects, technological changes that let us harness the energy of fossil fuels, and innovations in management and communication.

Source: Open Society
A pre-trial chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has said that four prominent Kenyan suspects should be charged with crimes against humanity and face trial, supporting charges against two potential presidential candidates, the country’s top civil servant, and a radio journalist over their alleged role in post-election violence in 2007 and 2008.

Source: IRIN
Population growth and rising consumption by a minority of people around the world are fuelling global land acquisitions and Africa is a “prime target”, says the International Land Coalition.

Source: Financial Times
As debate rages over the use of gender quotas in the boardroom, an increasing number of countries are introducing them to further women’s representation in the political domain.

Source: Gender Informational Network of South Caucus
The World Economic Forum anticipates an increase in the number of female leaders at its annual meeting in Alpine Village of Davos – and its record to date – after introducing a minimum quota for women executives last year.

Source: Amnesty International
Strong support for ending state of emergency laws, but abolition of death penalty opposed.

Source:  Albawaba
Thousands took to the streets in Egypt to protest against the military junta. By late Wednesday night, the conversation had turned away from the military council and on to Egypt’s most pressing social problem: sexual violence against women.

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