Source: Vanguard
With the recent upsurge in terrorism in Nigeria, Nigerian airport authorities have adopted counter-terrorism and security measures at airports in order to safeguard the lives and property of passengers and airport personnel.

Source: Trust Law
Once the most frequented source of poster images depicting starving children, Ethiopia is now in the media for a new reason: as the go-to destination, ironically, for foreign companies and governments leasing land to grow food and biofuels.

Source: UN News Service
Delegates at a meeting convened by the United Nations to draw up strategies to respond the humanitarian crisis in West Africa's drought-prone Sahel region today called for comprehensive and rapid assistance to the millions of people affected, especially children and women.

Source: Reuters 
Libyan jewellery shopkeeper Hassan El-Kekli used to be careful what he said on the phone to his family and friends.
Any criticism of Muammar Gaddafi's regime was off-limits for fear security officials listening in could show up at his home and arrest him. 

Source: SOS Children Villages
A study has found that human trafficking in South Africa has been getting worse as trafficking rings become more sophisticated and poverty means that more are desperate and easily targeted.

Source: Los Angeles Times
Women were at the vanguard in the protests that ousted Hosni Mubarak. But long-held sexism has reasserted itself at the hands of the military and the Islamists.

Source: Daily Trust
Agatha William (not real name) smiled at me during a lecture on the evils of female genital cutting. As Mr Anselm Okolo, the facilitator pointed out the dangers of encouraging the practice and the negative effects it has on the girl child, Agatha seemed amused.

Source: Daily Trust
The World Bank is to partner with the federal government on women and children programmes, Sector Leader, Human Development of the organization in Nigeria, Foluso Okunmadewa, has said.

Source: IPS
As Somalia’s transitional government and various stakeholders meet Wednesday to discuss the inclusion of the country’s clans in the new government, women politicians have called for a greater role in the leadership of this East African nation.

Source: IPS
As Somalia's transitional government and various stakeholders meet Wednesday to discuss the inclusion of the country's clans in the new government, women politicians have called for a greater role in the leadership of this East African nation.

Source:  Women's Views on News
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has urged the Government of South Sudan to take decisive action to identify and prosecute those responsible for recent violent attacks in the Jonglei region.

Source: The Washington Post
Zimbabwean police have disrupted a Valentine’s Day march aimed at promoting peace and love between foes in the troubled southern African nation.

Source: IRIN
“This simply doesn’t happen in Guinea,” a civilian in the capital, Conakry, said of the 8th February decision by judges to charge a top army official for alleged involvement in crimes against civilians. Guineans and rights experts say the move is an opening up to the rule of law, but the country must overcome forces that have long fed impunity.

Source: UN News Centre
United Nations Member States must boost economic empowerment for women to help them realize the global community’s common goals, Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro urged today, warning that gender discrimination around the world was still too widespread.

Source: IPS
Fifty years ago when Sierra Leone gained independence after 150 years of colonial rule, with it came a feeling of optimism that along with a newfound control of its governance, the country would profit from its ample endowment of natural resources, like timber, fish, minerals and oil. Instead, in the last 50 years, the country has had 13 military coups and an 11-year civil war that left the economy in ruins and the country heavily reliant on foreign donor funding.

Source: IPS
When the world's rising population hit the historic seven billion milestone last October, the United Nations predicted that population growth will continue to increase, reaching an estimated 9.3 billion by the year 2050.

Source: Zimbabwean
Two journalists were arrested on Tuesday as riot police broke up a Valentines Day demonstration by the pressure group, Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA).

Source: UNFPA
“Men who abuse women misuse power,” says the sticker on the back of a boda boda taxi in Nairobi. The words point to imbalances in prevailing gender norms and to the role men need to play in changing power dynamics.

Source: Daily News
The role of a mother should never be underestimated and when a mother's mental health is strong, society benefits, says counselling psychologist Alison Rielly, a specialist in women's mental health and member of the Post-Natal Depression Support Association.

Source: Sowetan
The ANC Women's League today urged "all women who feel that the rate of women abuse in South Africa is too high", to join in a mini-skirt march this Friday, 17 February.

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