Source: Cameroon Tribune
The Minister of Women's Empowerment and the Family launched activities in Fundong on Tuesday.

Source: The Monitor
When 23-year-old Linda (not her real name) was approached by the grandfather of a friend and offered a job in Malaysia, she wanted to believe it so badly that she did.

Source: The Zimbabwean
Thokozani Khupe, the MDC Vice President who is also Zimbabwe’s Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) has been nominated as one of the few Africans to be honoured with an African Achievers Award for service to Democracy and Women Empowermen. Since her appointment as the DPM in February 2009, Khupe has set her focus on improving the quality of life of women and has been at the forefront of the 50/50 representation in Parliament.

Source:Inkatha Freedom Party
The Inkatha Freedom Party is shocked by news reports that girls as young as twelve years were kidnapped, plied with drugs and alcohol, and used as sex slaves in Durban.

Source: Daily News
A popular Kiswahili proverb known by many Zanzibarians goes like this "Haba na haba hujaza kibaba" in other words drop by drop the vessel will get filled.

Source: TrustLaw
Political leaders in Senegal should sit around a table and hold talks to end weeks of unrest as the country nears a Feb 26 presidential poll, a network of women's groups said on Tuesday.

Source: Daily Nation
Kenyan political parties routinely flout their own policies and manifestos on gender representation.
And, among the big players, President Kibaki’s Party of National Unity is the worst culprit, with just 18 per cent of its leadership positions occupied by women.

Source: Daily Trust
Jos is witnessing a high number of women 'bread winners' who are now burdened with greater responsibilities, due to the various upheavals the state has witnessed. These widows call on the government and general public to hear their cries and help empower them.

Source: IRIN
Many Somalis expect the London Conference on 23 February to lead to peace and stability, while others have questioned what a five-hour meeting can achieve. IRIN spoke to a cross-section about their expectations and whether or not it would help to stabilize the country after more than two decades of civil war:

Source: Leadership
By July 15, this year, the current Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Dahiru Musdapher would have attained the constitutionally mandatory retirement age of 70 years. AHURAKA ISAH writes that in line with the law of the land, he will retire while a successor is expected to be sworn-in same day.

Source: The Rwanda Focus
Modern urban life is relatively easy, thanks to access to water, electricity, education, health and communication facilities like telephones and internet. However, all these come with their immense pressures, especially for a family woman who has to juggle work and domestic affairs.

Source: Public Agenda
The African Women's Development Fund (AWDF) has added Arts, Culture and Sports to its already existing thematic areas.

Source: Daily Trust
Former Head of State, Retired General Yakubu Gowon in collaboration with the TY Danjuma Foundation have donated 800 pairs of school sandals for distribution to female pupils to encourage more female children to go to school.

Source: ReliefWeb
Somalia’s warring parties have all failed to protect Somali children from the fighting or serving in their forces, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The Islamist insurgent group al-Shabaab has increasingly targeted children for recruitment, forced marriage, and rape, and attacked teachers and schools, Human Rights Watch said.

Source: IRIN
World attention is on the war-torn Horn of Africa nation once more, with analysts saying the London Conference on 23 February could mark a turning point in the country's quest for peace and stability.

Source: The Herald
THE World Health Organisation has recommended that women continue using hormonal contraceptives in spite of revelations that their use doubles chances of uninfected women acquiring HIV.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
A popular Kiswahili proverb known by many Zanzibarians goes like this "Haba na haba hujaza kibaba" in other words drop by drop the vessel will get filled.

Source: Daily Nation
Kenyan political parties routinely flout their own policies and manifestos on gender representation.

Source: OSISA
In a landmark case starting on February 22nd, the Lesotho Constitutional Court will consider the constitutionality of section 10 of the Chieftainship Act, which arguably denies women the right to succeed to chieftainship solely on the basis of their gender.

Source: Nairobi Star
Special Programmes minister Esther Murugi and Mathira MP Ephraim Maina have defended Nyeri women over the reports of husband battery.

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