Source: Tanzania Daily News
THE President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Tanzania is keeping a close eye on the completion of evaluations and new guidance of the outcome of clinical trial tests of a new approach for preventing HIV in women.

Source: IPP Media
The Women Legal Aid Centre has embarked on a special training programme on how to attend to victims of violence. This comes as violence acts against women is reported by the organisation to be increasing nationwide.

Source: IRIN
So much for “never again”. Five years after 1,300 Kenyans were killed and more than half a million displaced in the wake of a presidential election, one of the triggers of that violence, the inflammatory language of politicians, remains a serious threat to peace and stability as the country gears up for the next polls in March 2013.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
FOR the first time last Tuesday evening the Morogoro Municipal Council Cultural Officer, Martha Kidyala, joined residents of Morogoro to watch a play at the Mji Mpya Ward grounds.

Source: The New Age
The fight against gender-based violence has been dealt a blow after the launch of the National Council Against Gender-Based Violence, which was meant to take place at the weekend, was put on hold.

Source: Associated Press
The female wing of a civil rights group is urging women in Togo to stage a week-long sex strike to demand the resignation of the country's president.

Source: IRIN
Quietly, a revolution to develop cheap ways to draw water for irrigation is unfolding in small villages and rural regions in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, a new three-year study has found. This movement has the ability to turn agriculture around in the developing world.

Source: ReliefWeb
Recent violence in Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo has forced thousands of people to flee their homes and seek refuge in neighboring Uganda. In the Ugandan settlements where refugees live, violence against women is a growing concern.

Source: UN Radio
Abeline Razanamamy is an elderly widow living in central Madagascar. She is determined not to rely on anybody else for her survival.

Source: Gender Links
President Joyce Banda of Malawi made her maiden appearance at the annual Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Heads of State and Government Summit that took place from 17 to 18 August in Maputo, Mozambique. At the same meeting, Banda got elected to the post of Deputy Chairperson of the regional body. The SADC Protocol on Gender and Development advocates for 50% representation of women in politics and decision-making by 2015. So far, Banda is the only woman Head of State in SADC.

Source: South African Government
North West Premier Mme Thandi Modise has made a call to women to emulate the generation of 1950s and declare to all and sundry that South African and African women are tired of the institutionalised disrespect and dignity robbery brought about by failure to provide adequate services to them.

Source: The Star
Over 40 HIV-postive women who were allegedly sterilized against their will go to court to demand justice and possible compensation. The chairperson of the National Gender and Equality Commission Winfred Lichuma who is championing the women's cause described what happened to the women as "atrocious an infringement of their human rights and contrary to medical ethics."

Source: Afrique en Ligue
Equality Now, an international human rights organisation that works to protect and promote the rights of women and girls around the world, on Wednesday released its 2011 Annual Report, calling on the global community to “remain vigilant in the face of backlash on women’s rights emanating from escalating fundamentalism.” According to the organisation’s Global Director, Yasmeen Hassan, the backlash on women’s rights often manifests as calls for cultural relativism.

Source: IPS
A rash of recent rape cases has sparked local criticism of the weakness of the justice system in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where inadequate resources and simple incompetence mean survivors of sexual violence hold little hope of obtaining justice.

Source: UN WOMEN East and Horn of Africa
Six women from three remote and far flung villages in Mtwara and Lindi districts in Southern Tanzania have helped to bring a new way of life to their communities after training as solar engineers.

Source: UN News Centre
The United Nations Working Group on discrimination against women in law and in practice today called on the new Tunisian Government to take all necessary steps to safeguard the country's achievements in equality, non-discrimination and women's human rights, in accordance with its international human rights obligations.

Source: AWID
Women human rights defenders (WHRDs) who promote the rights; health and safety of sexual workers are being persecuted, harassed and arrested.  Although sexual work is illegal in Uganda, providing services and support for sex workers is not.

Source: Coastweek
Women representation in parliaments in Africa is unlikely to increase as per the international requirements, former Ugandan minister for ethics and integrity Miria Matembe said on Wednesday.

Source: Cameroon Tribune
Elections stakeholders ended a two-day workshop in Yaounde on August 14.

Source: Leadership
The National Council for Gender-based Violence in South Africa, which will lead and monitor the implementation of a 365 Days Plan of Action against gender-based violence for Children and People with Disabilities, will be launched on Saturday.

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