Source: Ahram Online
The National Front for Egyptian Women called for a protest on Monday at 7pm CMT in Talaat Harb Street, Downtown Cairo, to demand that previously-gained rights for women are secured, and to ensure the inclusion of women's rights in the new constitution.

Source: New Vision
The demand for abortion in Uganda is high, despite legal and moral proscription. John Semakula explores how a mere policy can bring great cost and pain to citizens.

Source: South African Government 
Over 250 women from various walks of life participated in this year's successful two-day Women's Parliament in Cape Town which ended last Friday.

Source: South African Government 
Even though a critical mass of women have ascended to leadership positions in scarce skills sectors such as the judiciary, there are lingering challenges that still need to be addressed, says Public Protector Adv. Thuli Madonsela.


Source: Arabic Network for Human Rights
ANHRI deeply disturbed by the assault on the hostel in the area of Sidi Bouzid, and the attack on the meeting of women. A group of Salafis did that, in a practical implementation of their ongoing threats to demolish places of tourism, restaurants and entertainment places.

Source: Daily Observer
An initiative that seeks to promote women's participation in politics, entitled 'Women in Politics' was Wednesday launched by The Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (TANGO), in collaboration with the United States Embassy at the TANGO head office along the Bertil Harding Highway.

Source: IRIN
Manhood might be hard to define but South African media make it even harder, according to editors of a new book, who argue that negative coverage of men is doing more harm than good, especially when it comes to HIV. Now they are looking to rewrite masculinity in a country that ranks among the most gender inequitable in the world. 

Source: Think Africa Press
Two weeks ago, the festival of Eid saw young men grabbing and molesting women in the busy streets of Cairo. This is not the first year sexual harassment has occurred during these celebrations, but never previously has it prompted so much discussion and gained such wide attention.

Source: Al Monitor
After the fall of former President Hosni Mubarak, the Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) played a role in obstructing the efforts of the Egyptian Feminist Union, which was formed in Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo on February 13, 2011. SCAF ordered the formation of the National Council for Women (NCW), which does not differ much from the Suzanne Mubarak Council in its submission to the ruling authorities.

Source: IRIN
The government of Uganda has launched a vaccination campaign against cervical cancer - the most common type of cancer among Ugandan women - but there are already fears a nationwide rollout might be jeopardized by lack of funds.

Source: IRIN
With more than half the world now living in urban centres, city residents’ quality of life, vulnerability to natural hazards and diets are matters of growing importance, drawing significant attention at the World Urban Forum in Naples, Italy, this week.

Source: Aswat Masriya
A new Egyptian women's movement announced that it will begin its activities by organizing an anti-harassment march that calls for a law that criminalizes the use of violence against women.

Source: Red Orbit
The African Women’s Development Fund USA (AWDF USA) has launched the Mother Africa Campaign to raise awareness and support in the US for African women’s organizations doing exemplary work but challenged by cuts in international donations during the recession.

Source: South African News Agency
North West Premier Thandi Modise says much still needs to be done to ensure that women dominate senior positions in the public service.

Ms Christiana Amarchey, Brong Ahafo Regional Programme Manager of Actionaid Ghana, on Thursday called on political, traditional and opinion leaders to endeavour to advance the political rights of women in leadership.

Source: AngolaPress
The secretary general of the Pan African Women's Organization (PAWO), Assetou Koite, congratulated on Friday in Luanda the women’s participation in the general elections, thus showing their citizenship duty for appearing in the polling station to vote.

Source: Inter Press Service (IPS)
As the weeklong international conference on water concluded Friday, it was left to one of the keynote speakers from the United Nations to focus on a much neglected perspective on water and food security: the role of women.

Source: New Vision
Despite decades of international agreements declaring the need for urgent action to improve the wellbeing of women and newborns in the developing world, deaths and poor health have remained too high for too long among these groups.

Source: New Vision
Mariamah is 23 years old. She has four children aged 5, 4, 2 and 5 months old.

Source: The New Vision
When I set out to unearth why some women shun contraceptives, I thought it would be a story I could do without running after many women.

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