Source: International Labour Organisation
Women face higher unemployment rates than men globally, with no improvements likely in the coming years, according to the new ILO Global Employment Trends for Women 2012 Report.

Source: UNRIC
An independent United Nations expert has urged governments worldwide to stand up for the right to education, especially for girls, and to take the necessary steps to ensure that all children can go to school without fear.

Source: Daily Maverick
“16 Days of Activism For No Violence Against Women and Children” came to an end on Monday, with Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe announcing a new National Council Against Gender Violence. Does a mere two-and-a-bit weeks of talking about violence, and the establishment of yet another council, amount to an effective response against South Africa’s gender violence epidemic?

Source: IRIN
Madagascar’s traditional midwives, or ‘matronnes’, are often thought to undermine safe childbirth practices, delivering babies in unsanitary environments and without provisions to manage complications. Yet they are now being recruited to a campaign to get women to deliver in clinics or hospitals, part of a move to lower maternal and newborn death rates.

Source: TrustLaw
Tapping the  table for emphasis, Alaa Murabit, Libyan women’s rights campaigner and former revolutionary, speaks passionately about the need for Islamic law in the country she’s lived in since the age of 15. 

Source: UNAIDS
In a new report, entitled Women out loud, UNAIDS explores the impact of HIV on women and the instrumental role women living with the virus are playing to end AIDS. It includes the latest data and commentary from some of the leading advocates on women and HIV.

Source: UNESCO
Stories of hope and horror regarding girls’ education were heard at the high‐level panel discussion at the “Stand up for Malala – Girls’ Education is a Right” advocacy event at UNESCO headquarters on 10 December, Human Rights Day.

Source: IPS
Global efforts to reach the “three zeros” for women and girls – zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths – are gaining momentum. Much of the progress we have seen is underpinned by the work of women living with HIV.

Source: TurstLaw
Women around the world have been forced to marry men they don’t love, attacked with acid and had their genitals mutilated.

Source: International Labour Organisation (ILO)
The gender gap in global labour markets showed some convergence in the earlier part of the last decade but increased after the crisis erupted in 2007, according to an ILO report produced in collaboration with UN Women. The picture varies considerably among regions.

Source: Angola Press
The Secretary of State for Family and Women Promotion, Ana Paula Sacramento, reaffirmed on Tuesday in Luanda the commitment of the ministry to defending women's rights, as a tool of building a fair, fraternal and solidarity world.

Source: Bikyamasr
Egyptian women’s groups have again lashed out at the draft constitution to go to a referendum on December 15, saying it is a “ticking bomb” that threatens the very nature of equality and women’s rights in the country.

Source: TimesLIVE

"Violence against women is largely perpetrated because men regard women as possessions and sexual objects," African Christian Democratic Party MP Steve Swart said in a statement on Sunday.

Source: IRIN
Dozens of slaves have escaped or been liberated since slavery was finally criminalized in Mauritania in 2007, but thus far just one slave-owner has been convicted and imprisoned, according to anti-slavery campaigners.

Source: UN News Centre
A United Nations senior official and an independent human rights expert today joined their voices in calling for States to ensure the right to truth and justice for victims of war-time sexual violence, as well as accountability for perpetrators.

Source: UN Radio
UN Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay has decried the continued exclusion of women and other minority groups from active participation in public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives.

Source: ReliefWeb
Accountability for perpetrators, and the right to truth and justice for victims of war-time sexual violence.

Source: The Daily Beast
A year on from the ouster of Col. Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan revolution is turning sour for women, who had hoped that they would find the new Libya open to them to play a far greater role in public and political life—and on their terms rather than those defined by men.

Source: AFP
Hundreds of people formed a human chain in Rabat on Saturday to denounce all forms of violence against women, an AFP correspondent reported.

Source: Daily Trust
The Chief Missioner of Ansar-ud-Deen Society of Nigeria Sheikh Abdur-Rahman Olanrewaju Ahmad says Islam has enormous respect for women's right as they occupy significant position in the society.

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