Source: allAfrica


Washington, DC —One in five Nigerian children will die before reaching his or her fifth birthday, according to Save the Children. Their mothers are also suffering - the country accounted for 14 percent of maternal deaths worldwide in 2010, according to the United Nations.

Source: UN Women

Statement by Ms. Lakshmi Puri Deputy Executive Director of UN Women at Regional Conference on the Istanbul Convention. 17 January 2013

Source: FAWE
This month, FAWE embarks on a new five-year strategic plan that aims to bring about positive change in girls’ education in Africa and, ultimately, contribute to the continent’s long-term development.

Source: SpyGhana 
Nigeria needs to ensure equal participation of women in economic, social and political activities, if it is to achieve the objectives of Vision 20:2020, a United Nations official said.

Source: Times of Swaziland
The Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse (SWAGGA) has said abducting young girls for the purpose of having sexual intercourse with them is a crime and cannot be cloaked under the guise of ‘traditional marriage’.The organisation was reacting to a story that appeared in this publication yesterday, where a 21- year-old man abducted a 15- year-old girl for the purpose of traditionally marrying her.

Source: United States Department of State

The Internet gender gap is hurting the world's economy as well as millions of women across the globe, says a newly released, groundbreaking study.

Getting Internet access to an additional 600 million women in the next three years would result in an estimated increase of $13 billion to $18 billion in gross domestic product across 144 developing countries, according to the report titled Women and the Web.

Source: TrustLaw
Dr. Violet Okaba, 31, a pediatrician at Mulago Hospital in Kampala, Uganda’s capital, says she almost had to drop out of school when she was a teenager.

Source: Global Press Institute
Women are battling death threats to run for Parliament and governor in Kenya’s March elections. Women currently constitute only 10 percent of Kenyan Parliament. Organizations advise female candidates to hire bodyguards and to wear pants in case they need to run from an attack.

Source: Magharebia
A young Moroccan house maid whose dramatic suicide attempt has revived concerns about violence towards women and child workers spoke to representatives from the National Institution for Solidarity with Women in Distress (INSAF), on Tuesday (January 15th), AFP reported.

Source: UN Women

“You need to join forces if you want to stand strong,” explains Batuli Massawe, a 46-year-old mushroom farmer who has become a respected entrepreneur due largely to training and solidarity lending in the community of Morogoro, 190 km west of Tanzania’s capital.

Source: UN Women

An African Ministerial Meeting to discuss enhanced collaboration and information-sharing among and between regions in Africa on strategies to End Violence Against Women and Girls kicked off today at the United Nations Conference Centre. This is a preparatory meeting for the 57thsession of the CSW to be held in March 2013 in New York. It brings Africans together to speak with one voice on the issue of Violence Against Women and Girls.


An Egyptian political party "Misr" announced on Monday that it holds on to its initial stance of women's status in the electoral list for the proposed amendments in the elections law.

Source: allAfrica

An appeal has been made for the indigenes of Akatsi South and Buem to consider reserving their vacant parliamentary seats for only women to contest.

Source: IRIN
Mahasa sits in the dust outside the hut she built herself, holding her youngest son in her arms. The 29-year-old mother of four knows how vulnerable she is. "I'm scared," she said. Mahasa* is one of many women who have fled, unaccompanied by their husbands, to Maban County in South Sudan's Upper Nile State, escaping the fighting in Sudan's Blue Nile State between government forces and the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North.

Source: AllAfrica


Bamako/Dakar — Fear and rumour are rife in Mali as French military air strikes against Islamist militants continued for the sixth day in the centre and north of the country.

Source: UN Radio
A new programme in the Republic of South Sudan is helping vulnerable farmers to improve their livelihoods by boosting the quality of the seeds used to produce key crops.

Source: NATO
The Secretary General detailed the Alliance’s efforts over the past year to implement United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 in its operations and activities in his second annual report on this issue, which was released on Tuesday 15 January. Adopted in 2000, the Resolution recognizes the disproportionate effect of armed conflict on women and children.

Source: UN News Centre
A United Nations expert group today called on Tunisia to adopt stronger measures in its new constitution to combat gender inequality and discrimination and accelerate the participation of women in all aspects of society.

Source: UN News Centre
The United Nations official dealing with conflict-related sexual violence today condemned the arrest of a Somali journalist who was detained for conducting an interview with a woman who claimed she was raped by members of the Somali Army in September.

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