Source: The Conversation Africa 

Throughout West Africa, the artisanal fishing sector is a crucial source of livelihoods and food security. For instance, in Nigeria artisanal fishing accounts for 80% of the fish consumed and supports the livelihoods of about 24 million people.

Both men and women work in the sector, though the labour - throughout the region - is divided by gender. Men dominate fishing and production while women dominate post-harvest processing, such as dressing, sorting, salting and smoking the fish. Women also do most of the selling and marketing. Women thus play a crucial role in artisanal fishing.

Source: Foroyaa

The covid-19 pandemic has impacted the lives of people globally, posing a major threat to the economic and social fabric of society. The differently able women in the Gambia were among the people hard hit by the pandemic. These women complained that they were marginalized by the State following the advent of coronavirus in the country.

Source: Nation 

The nomination of Justice Martha Koome for the position of Chief Justice marks yet another milestone in the evolution of the Judiciary. First, it institutionalises the constitutional provision of competitive recruitment of top judicial officers, a move intended to insulate the institution from extraneous influences.

Source: UNFPA East and Southern Africa 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Lesotho experienced a 14 per cent decline in family planning coverage in certain districts in 2020, compared to 2019, with one district registering a significant 40 per cent drop.

Source: Sudan Tribune 

April 27, 2021 (KHARTOUM) - The Sudanese cabinet Tuesday approved the ratification of the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

In a statement released after its weekly meeting, the Council of Ministers announced the approval of the CEDAW and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (Maputo Protocol).

Source: ISS

The Boko Haram crisis in the Lake Chad Basin has harmed women’s livelihoods. Extremists and other armed groups have looted and destroyed markets, cutting off many women’s access to supplier credit lines.

Source: Ghanian Times

As part of activities marking the sixth anniversary of the Access Bank flagship 'W' Initiative, the Bank has hosted leading women across Africa in a virtual Pan-African Women Conference to highlight the importance of creating an enabling environment that helps women to thrive.

Source: Aljazeera 

Helpio allows victims in northern Nigeria to report cases anonymously and seek help, amid widespread fear of stigmatisation and soaring sexual assault figures.

Source: Dabanga 

A delegation of women in charge of the agenda for the next negotiation process in the South Sudan capital, Juba, visited Member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Mohamed El Taayshi, yesterday.

The meeting was held to discuss how women's participation in official negotiations between the transitional government and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), under the leadership of Abdelaziz El Hilu, could be enhanced in the upcoming negotiations.

Source: Capital News 

Gender-Based Violence cases hit record high numbers in Kenya in 2020, raising concerns on the safety of women and girls who are the most vulnerable and affected in the society, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Statistics released on Thursday by the Ministry of Public Service and Gender show that there was a 36 percent spike in GBV cases in 2020 when 5,009 cases were recorded.

Source: Aljazeera 

Displaced people from Ethiopia’s western Tigray region report cases of rape, looting and extrajudicial killings allegedly perpetrated by Amhara forces.

Warning: The story below contains descriptions of extreme sexual violence.

Source: Nyasa Times 

The Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) has faulted the Malawi Government for what it described as a lack of clear commitment by authorities at the seat of government at Capital Hill to enhancing the participation of women in public procurement.

The human rights watchdog has since demanded that the government should assume an affirmative action by reserving 30 percent of public procurement for women in an effort to address the glaring gender inequalities in the public procurement sector.

Source: Global Trade Review

The Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank (TDB) has issued a three-year partial risk guarantee facility to support women-led small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Burundi.

Source: The Rwenzori Times

Woman MP for Mitoma District, Hon Jovah Kamateka, last week moved a motion for resolution of Parliament urging government to develop and enforce policies and strategies to protect girls against teenage pregnancy and child marriages.

The legislator is pushing for government intervention in laying strategies and putting in place measures to address the rising cases of teenage pregnancies both during and post the Covid-19 pandemic.

Source: Front Page Africa

The National Executive Committee of the Liberty Party (LP) has resolved to implement a gender sensitive policy that would see both women and men gain equal seats for both elected and appointed positions.

Source: New Dawn 

African women represent more than 70 per cent of workers in the informal sector. However, many women continue to face barriers to trade opportunities, such as access to raw materials, increased economies of scale, integration into regional and global value chains, technological challenges, and access to finance to name a few.

Source: New Zimbabwe 

Internationally acclaimed writer, Tsitsi Dangarembga has blamed the perpetuation of sexual abuse on the country's patriarchal system.

Through her writings, the novelist has highlighted the plight of Zimbabwean women whose rights she has been advocating.

Source: Nation 

Three women are among the ten candidates on the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) interview list for the position of Chief Justice (CJ).

The trio, Prof Patricia Mbote, Justice Martha Koome and Justice Alice Jepkoech Yano, have built their careers in their own rights in line with the legal profession.

Source: Aljazeera

Seven years after the abduction of 279 girls from a government school in northern Nigeria, authorities have failed to find a strategy to protect schoolchildren and their right to education, according to a human rights group.

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