Source: UNFPA East and Southern Africa

Johannesburg, South Africa — From changing temperatures and weather patterns to extreme storms and rising sea levels, the vulnerability of women and girls across the world is worsening steadily.

It is highly problematic that during climate-induced natural disasters, essential health services including sexual and reproductive health services are often overlooked, with staggering consequences - a rise in unintended pregnancies, higher risk of maternal death, and increases in child marriage and gender-based violence (GBV).

Source : Voaafrique

Le sujet est délicat à aborder mais douloureux et très concret: Des Sud-Africaines ont décidé de poursuivre des multinationales pharmaceutiques pour de terribles dégâts causés par des prothèses vaginales.

Source : AfriqueRenouveau

Les femmes entrepreneurs continuent de se heurter à des obstacles plus importants pour accéder au financement de leur entreprise.

Source : Afrique Renouveau

Le Laureat du prix Nobel 2018, le Dr Denis Mukwege, ONU Gynécologue CELEBRE Pour son travail Auprès des Survivants d'Sexuelles à l'Agressions hospital Panzi en République démocratique du Congo, un jour Déclaré : « Le violes is juin stratégie de guerre - il est destiné à détruire les femmes et les communautés physiquement et mentalement".

Source : Agence Française de Développement

À Nairobi, l'association féministe Boxgirls Kenya propose aux femmes des quartiers défavorisés de l'est de la ville de boxer. Soutenu par l'Agence française de développement, le projet rencontre un vif succès.

Source: The Guardian

Over a thousand girls in rural Isiolo county, many of them young mothers, are catching up in the classroom. But entrenched cultural barriers remain a challenge for educators. 

Source: Times of Zambia

ONE hot Sunday morning in April, 24-year-old Masuzyo Bupe (not real name) was excited as she looked forward to receive her once in a life time visitors in form of representatives from the family of the man who had shown interest to marry her.

However, her happiness was shortlived as her mother informed her that there would be no normal marriage negotiations or bride price for her because she was a woman living with disability.

Source: Front Page Africa 

Monrovia — It is no secret that Liberian women face discrimination and marginalization in many ways. Deeply entrenched attitudes against women and girls, perpetuate inequality and discrimination against women in public and private life, on a daily basis. UN Women mindful of this fact has made it her mandate to shift the narrative by constantly engaging and supporting the national legislature through the budgeting process to use evidence-based analysis as a way of supporting the budget committee to take steps in ensuring budgetary allocations addresses gender gaps and ultimately issue around violence against girls, women and harmful practices.

Source: The New Times

Rwanda remained the world’s leading country with the most number of women in government positions, according to the latest edition of the ‘Women in Parliament’ report by the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

Source: The East African 

When Somalia's former Foreign Affairs minister Fawzia Yusuf Haji Adam announced her candidacy for president in the next elections, the reaction in Mogadishu was mostly muted.

Yet Ms Adam, from a prominent family of scholars, is not just testing the waters. She may well be testing the rigidity of an age-old culture.

Source: Equal Times

On 8 April 2021, hundreds of women gathered in Khartoum to rally against domestic and gender-based violence in Sudan. In what has been described as “one of the most historical displays of resistance since the 2018 December Revolution”, the March was held to draw attention to the Covid-related rise in violence directed at women and girls and to denounce gender discriminatory laws and patriarchal restrictions.

Source: Premium Times

The current bureau chief for the Guardian Newspaper in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Bridget Onochie, is the first female to attain such a position in the medium.

Source: The East African

Somalia is halving the registration fees for women candidates to encourage more participation in the upcoming elections.

Source: WHO 


The World Health Organization announced multiple commitments to drive change for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in all their diversity at the Generation Equality Forum, held last week in Paris. The WHO commitments focused on ending gender-based violence; advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights; and supporting health workers as well as feminist movements and leadership. These commitments shape a progressive and transformative blueprint for advancing gender equality, health equity, human rights and the empowerment of women and girls globally.

Source: Africanews

Dozens of feminist demonstrators on Saturday in Dakar, Senegal's capital denounced the justice system and the excessive tolerance towards violence against women in Senegal.

Source: Tunis Afrique Presse 

Tunis/Tunisia — The Ministry of Women, Family and Seniors is considering the launch of a national societal dialogue on violence against women to put an end to gender-based crimes, Minister Imen Zahouani Houimel announced on Thursday.

Source: Namibia Economist 

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy has laid bare the many inequalities that exist in our societies. The United Nations estimates that an additional 96 million people are expected to fall into extreme poverty in 2021, and that women will be disproportionately affected by the increase. This is unsurprising, given that women make up a large share of the globally poor - a phenomenon known as the feminisation of poverty.

In Namibia, according to the Multidimensional Poverty Index Report, multidimensional poverty is higher among households headed by women at 46% compare to households headed by men at 41%.

Source: Nation

An estimated 112 million more women started using mobile Internet for the first time last year across low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), says the 2021 GSMA Mobile Gender Gap Report.

Source: Citizen 

The swearing-in and subsequent release of the official portrait of our first female president wrote a great story both in our hearts and "herstory" books. Fate had it in store for Tanzanians that the country's very first female vice president would also become its first female president.

When images of the first Cabinet meeting circulated on social media, many women's rights advocates, myself included, felt that a female president wouldn't be happy with a male-dominated cabinet. Expectations were high that changes were in store, especially after some women's rights were trampled on in the past six years.

Source: The Standard

At 15, Dorcas Zvairewa realizes she is fast running out of friends. One by one, her peers are dropping out of school to either get married or nurse pregnancies.

With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, her circle of friends has grown even smaller as the devastating economic and social impact of the pandemic forces more girls into early motherhood.

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