Source: JollofNews
Women in the Gambia are being continuously discriminated and subjected to horrific sexual violence including murder and rape, a report by the United States State Department said.

Source: Rwanda Focus
Infertility or the inability of a couple to become pregnant after 12 months of unprotected intercourse comes off as every woman's nightmare. The idea that one cannot bring forth an offspring to the world is shocking in as much as it is disheartening! As children, most girls dream of having a baby of their own something that is usually displayed in the way they play with dolls and not toy cars.

Source: Premium Times
The World Bank has said that Nigerian woman should be guaranteed improved access to finance, as they are often responsible for the bulk of the farming tasks in the country. The Bank, which noted that about 57 per cent of households in Nigeria are categorized as agriculture households, said that while women undertake the responsibility of processing, transportation and harvesting crops in the country, men are involved in the clearing and planting of the crops.

Source: The Herald
Women entrepreneurs showcasing their wares at this year's edition of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair put up impressive exhibitions of good quality products, the First Lady, Amai Grace Mugabe, said. Amai Mugabe was speaking soon after touring stands at the fair last week where she particularly commended the ZRP Kuyedza Women's Club and exhibitions by women from Malawi.

Source: FOROYAA Newspaper
Following series of consultations for the development and integration of Gender Based Violence and Human Rights issues into the police training curriculum, the Women's Bureau with support from UNFPA recruited a consultant to develop a gender training manual. The training manual has been developed and reviewed by stakeholders.

Source: IPP Media
Tanzania last week launched African Women's Entrepreneurship Programme ( (AWEP) Tanzania chapter in Dar Es Salaam geared at accelerating and beefing up business oriented investments between Tanzania investors and their partners world-wide. The launching event was attended by various invitees from within and outside the country was inaugurated by among other events speeches by the Tanzania Ministry for Industry and Trade.

Source: Boston Herald
More women are initiating divorces in Uganda, a conservative East African country where women are becoming empowered to leave a bad marriage in a way their mothers could not, rights activists and legal experts say.

In this essay, the historian and feminist Margot Badran outlines how the Muslim Brotherhood has called into question a UN document that seeks to end violence against women and with it the democratic achievements of the Egyptian revolution.

Source: ReliefWeb
Each night Esnart Phiri, a widow with five children, sleeps outside the gates of the state-run maize trader or Admarc market, in Malawi’s capital Lilongwe, as she waits for days on end to buy maize.

Source: BD Live
THE Commission for Gender Equality has become the latest institution to receive a complaint over the use of women's underwear in a protest by the South African Democratic Teachers' Union (Sadtu) last week. During Sadtu's march to the Union Buildings last week, protesters displayed a pair of over-sized panties emblazoned with the name of Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga.

Source: The Citizen
The African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights has pledged full support to organisations that are involved in women's rights. The court, which is based here, has begun organising seminars for women human rights NGOs as it seeks to extend its services across the continent. The court spokesperson, Mr Jean-Pierre Uwanone Ntawizeruwanone, said that the seminars, held in different parts of Africa, are aimed at enhancing human rights in Africa.

Source: New Era
In what is seen as a male dominated industry, women in the media industry are often subject to the whims of their male counterparts who relegate them to minor roles. Some of the many challenges female scribes often encounter include sexual harassment, discrimination, under representation in management, exclusion and female stereotyping in content.

Source: Daily Trust
The President of the National Association of Women Entrepreneurs (NAWE), Chief Adaeze Ozongwu has called for mutual and harmonious collaboration among women in the country in other to successfully champion their course and move the nation forward.

Source: Daily Observer
The Information Technology Association Of The Gambia (ITAG) on Thursday observed International Girls in Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Day at the American Corner, Comium building, along Kairaba Avenue. The theme for this year's celebration is 'Inspire me'.

Source: Capital FM
A balloon arch frames the doorway on the other side of which waiters stand with drinks in hand; all in honour of Monica Oguttu and three others who, "have done the most to enhance the rights of women to obtain comprehensive reproductive health care".

Source: New Times
With some mechanical knowledge she learnt from her husband, she is earning between 3000 and 5000 Rwandan francs per day by repairing motorcycles and she is proud that she contributes to her family and doesn't have to rely on her husband to survive.

Source: Sudan Tribune
Eritrean women fleeing their country's oppressive regime are increasingly finding themselves the repeat victim of abuse, exploitation and violence once outside their homeland, a new report by a women's rights group has found.

Source: FrontPageAfrica (Monrovia)
Over One thousand persons who were tested HIV positive in Bong are said to be on the run, Kerson Saykor, Phebe Hospital's administrator has alarmed.

Source: Daily Trust
Several people do not regard any task done within the home and not paid for as work, no matter how tedious or long it takes. That is why it is common to hear people saying 'that woman is not working" even if she works from morning till night and someone who goes out to do something even if for a few hours and comes home, but receives wages or pay at the end of the month or any other time frame is said to be working.

Source: Health Canal
Global attitudes about domestic violence have changed dramatically since 2000, according to a new University of Michigan study that analyzes data from 26 low- and middle-income countries.

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