Source: New Vision
I am constrained to tackle the matter of women's mindsets again, because the more I consider women's problems, the more I get convinced that the situation can get much better and brighter, if only women changed their mindsets.

Source: AfriqueJet
Despite the growing recognition of the interconnected nature of gender inequalities, globalisation, climate change, poverty and communicable diseases, among others, gender equality remains a missing link in many development policies and programmes, Ethiopia's Minister of Women, Children and Youth Affairs, Zenebu Tadesse, said here Tuesday.

Source: African Union

12-13 May 2013, Addis Ababa

Source: African Union
African Ministers of Women and Gender Affairs hold their 5th Ordinary Meeting in Addis Ababa

Under the theme of the 50th Anniversary of the AU "Pan Africanism and African Renaissance", the Fifth Ordinary Meeting of AU Ministers of Gender and Women's Affairs held Tuesday, 14th May 2013, at the headquarters of the AU Commission (AUC), in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Source: New Times
So we now know that over 500 young school girls between the ages 10-18 carried unwanted pregnancies in different parts of the country, according thanks to the 2012 Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Schools report, released early this month.

The number could be even bigger, and plainly put, we are facing a sex scourge in our schools.

Source: New Vision
Research done in Uganda shows that the average Ugandan child starts smoking at the age of 13. In tobacco growing areas like Arua district, the initiation age is even lower, with some children taking to the habit at the age of nine.

In such areas, research shows, 61% of smokers expose their family members to second hand smoke. Second hand smoking can be fatal to a person who does not smoke at all.

Source: The Star
In 2007, Joyce Chepkemboi Cheruiyot was a happy mother of two, anxiously planning and looking forward to the birth of her third born child, together with her husband Wesley Cheruiyot.

The then 28-year-old small scale farmer was running a small grocery shop in the village with the help of her husband which was enough to sustain their growing family.

Source: Vanguard
POLICE in Delta State have killed two supposed hostage takers and arrested eight suspected kidnappers, including three females in separate gun battles with two kidnap gangs at Ozoro in Isoko North Local Government Area and Onicha- Olona in Aniocha North Local Government Area of the state.

However, some youths attempted, yesterday, to raze the Ozoro Police Station, because of the killing of one of the suspected kidnappers, but police repelled the offensive and have tightened security in the town.

Source: Garowe Online
An upsurge of gang rapes has hit the breakaway region of Somaliland - a normally peaceful enclave considered by many to be a sanctuary from Somalia's decades of violence.

Knife-wielding young men follow women along the dusty streets of Hargeisa, the capital of the region, dragging them inside buildings to rape and rob them. Children are among the victims.

Source: Daily Trust
The report, 'Surviving the 1st day; State of the World's Mothers 2013 was just released few days ago by Save the Children. The Report's forward which was written by the Melinda Gates Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation succinctly captured why we must invest in programmes that will enhance the survival of women and children especially the newborn.

Source: The Herald
Zanu-PF has been hailed for its gender policy that has seen women being involved in its activities and for availing equal representation in decision-making processes. Women In Politics Support Unit Research Analysis and Documentation Officer, Ms Kimberly Da Costa Nyatanga said the revolutionary party's stance on women participation in politics was commendable.

Source: New Times
About 3,652 women own manufacturing businesses countrywide, a new Gender Statistics Report 2013 has revealed.

Source: FOROYAA Newspaper
Women gardeners in Mandinary village in the Kombo North District, West Coast Region, have complained to Foroyaa about the frequent encroachment of stray cattle and goats in their gardens which is causing destruction of their plots. Aja Trawally, one of the complainants/ gardeners, said cattle and goats from the surrounding settlements do frequently enter their gardens to forage on vegetable plants grown on their beds.

Source: Human Rights Watch
Akech loved to study and dreamed of becoming a nurse. But when she was 14, the uncle who was raising her told her she was too old for school and forced her to marry a man she described as old, gray-haired, and married to another woman with whom he had several children.

Source: allAfrica
In disclosing in the New York Times on Tuesday that she underwent a double mastectomy, actress and humanitarian Angelina Jolie also called attention to the many women in Africa and other developing regions who die from breast cancer each year. Jolie underwent the double mastectomy, and subsequent breast reconstruction, earlier this year after discovering that she carried a "faulty" gene, BRCA1, which sharply increases her risk of developing certain kinds of cancer.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
MEMBERS of Parliament have decried the slow pace in the reduction of gender based violence as government noted it is still grappling with the increased number of reported cases across the country.

Source: Sabahi
Mogadishu's Waberi district administration and Raage Ugaas High School are collaborating on a multi-phase education project to provide 225 illiterate and innumerate women with free schooling.

Source: Institute of Development Studies
As we move toward the end date for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), work towards a new post-2015 global architecture to frame development outcomes and track progress is already underway. Recognising the 57th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York as a strategic moment to feed into these processes, a multi-stakeholder roundtable was organised, co-hosted by the BRIDGE research and information team at IDS.

Source: Capital FM
As Safaricom released its 2012/2013 financial year results, the telecommunication company's CEO Bob Collymore has called on more companies to make their offices female friendly in order to boost their productivity. "My argument is simple, it is important that we develop women in leadership. It is important that they feel comfortable. It's important that a woman is able to breastfeed with dignity.

Source: Daily Trust
At least three in 10 young girls have sex for the first time ever through rape, says a survey.

The survey by Positive Action for Treatment Access (PATA) investigated reasons for high HIV prevalence and lower age of first sex among adolescents aged between 10 and 19 and found "forced sex was the third main reason for sexual debut" after love and peer pressure.

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