Source: AllAfrica
Governments and other actors must mobilise all the necessary resources to decisively end violence against women and girls in conflict and post-conflict situations, the Chief of Defence Forces has said.

Source: The Guardian
When Hussein was searching desperately for his son in the last days of the 2011 revolution that toppled Libya's dictator, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, he was told of a villa in Tripoli. He and other anti-government fighters went there on 20 August.

Source: Chronicle
THE VICE President, Kwesi Bekoe Amissah-Arthur has commended the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Centre (KAIPTC) for training and equipping high-caliber personnel in the area of peace and security across Africa.

Source: Chronicle
The Action Aid Programme Manager, Mr. George Dery, has announced that a research into marriage by abduction in three districts in the Upper West Region has revealed that it is influenced by culture beliefs, poverty and societal pressure.

Source: Huffington Post
Healthcare facilities in Cameroon need much more than staff with medical training. This third world country needs to link clinics isolated by thick rainforest, desert, and rugged terrain. Sharing medical expertise via a reliable connection could mean the difference between life and death.

Source: IPS
It has been a month since the Kenyan government waived the maternity fee at public health facilities, but Millicent Awino is still one of the many expectant mothers in favour of a home birth.

Source: A Safe World for Women

Interview with Mirina Nanziri, Field Partners Coordinator & Editor, EACO Uganda.

Source: SciDev Net 
Developing countries are the most efficient innovators, achieving results in areas such as scientific research, infrastructure and technologyproduction with relatively low inputs, a report indicates.

Source: Foreign Policy
Not content with dominating IPOs on Wall Street, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs are taking their can-do, failure-conquering, technology-enabled tactics to the challenge of global poverty.

Source: New Times
Besides being a disgraceful, shameful and belittling trade, they only saw an option to survive in plying the so called oldest profession, mainly because most of them were uneducated. This is a tale of 95 former commercial sex workers who decided to quit the dishonourable trade of selling their bodies in exchange for petty cash.

Source: The News
The Youth Exploring Solutions (YES), a passionate, non-profit and voluntary youth-led development organization that is primarily a self-sponsored institution since its inception in 2007 has launched its project named and styled 'Enhancing Women's Participation in Leadership and Governance' in the Borough of New Kru Town on the campus of D-Tweh Public School.

Source: Daily News
EDUCATED Muslim women have been urged to study their religion in order to understand their role in the society.

Source: The Wall Street Journal
President of UN Women National Committee Canada - Almas Jiwani, was honoured with the African Women in Leadership Organization (AWLO) Excellence Award.

Kenya's First Lady Margaret Kenyatta on Friday called upon individuals and corporate institutions to support the treatment of women affected by fistula.

SourceSpy Ghana
Last year, as rebels captured the main towns in Northern Mali, UN Women registered a sudden and dramatic increase of rapes in the first week of the takeover of Gao and Kidal,
in places where most women never report this violence to anyone, not even health practitioners.

Source: AllAfrica

President Kagame has told Rwandan women that the government is committed to continue promoting gender equality, saying that there is a need for women to know that they have the right and capacity to contribute towards national development.

Source: The Guardian
Africa should focus on how to secure development and drive economic growth with inclusion. We must look beyond the macro fundamentals of growth to how to diversify our economies and create jobs. Africa must not become a breeding ground for insurgents and terrorism that undermines development.

Source: CNN
Tererai Trent is a humanitarian, scholar and speaker. She grew up in rural Zimbabwe, unable to attend school until Heifer International helped her get an education. She now has three degrees, and is founder of Tinogona Foundation.

Source: IPP Media
Teachers and tutors in different schools and teachers’ colleges have been urged to make sure that they adhere to gender responsive pedagogy when teaching and in the management of their schools so as to encourage girls aim high in education to realize their dreams.

Source: The Standard
In a move that has been condemned as a violation of women's rights, police on Thursday wantonly arrested women at different bars in the central business district.

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