Source: AllAffrica

Lilongwe — President Dr. Joyce Banda has called on non-governmental organization to help the country in fighting against gender based violence.

Source: Pambazuka
On 11 July 2013, the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women (the Protocol) turns 10.

Source: Iol News
Throughout the world, boxing is a dance that is common to all people. And despite the pains and injuries that are associated with it, it still has that great entertainment value.

Source: AllAfrica
Today, July 11, Uganda joins the rest of the world to mark the world population day under the theme: "Invest in preventing teenage pregnancy; Let Girls be Girls". Teenage pregnancy continues to be prevalent in Uganda.

Source: AllAfrica
The vice president and minister of Women's Affairs has underscored the need for more investment in adolescent girls for their own sake, stressing that educated and healthy girls will have the opportunity to reach their full potentials and have their human rights.

Source: Voice of America
Thursday, July 11, is World Population Day and the focus this year is on adolescent pregnancy. It’s estimated that 16 million teenage girls give birth every year. Many are in African or other developing countries.

Source: TRUST
NAIROBI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – The Maputo Protocol, which marks its 10th anniversary on July 11, has attracted controversy for its provision authorising “medicalised abortion” for women who have been raped or where pregnancy endangers the woman’s health.

Source: AllAfrica
Aiming to help develop a road map for women's engagement in efforts to bring peace to Africa's long-trouble Great Lakes countries, the United Nations envoy for the region has gathered nearly 100 women, including ministers, for a three-day meeting in Burundi to underscore the fact that "women's leadership matters."

Source: Daily Monitor


Resty Nakayenga is a Senior 3 student at Kasambya Parents Secondary School. Nakayenga, who is a mother of a one-and-a-half-year-old child, says she was raped and made pregnant at 16 by a 40-year-old man whom her father had introduced to the family as “uncle.”

Source: Forest Peoples Programme
Fifteen organisations working with indigenous women, including Forest Peoples Programme, have joined forces to emphasise the injustice and multiple forms of discrimination suffered by indigenous women in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (the Committee).

Source: ICPD

Dr. Nafis Sadik's Keynote address at the ICPD International Conference on Human Rights

Thank you for your warm welcome. And let me say a special ‘thank you’ to our hosts, the Government of the Netherlands, whose strong leadership and warm participation has been such a strong and lasting feature of the last 20 years.

Source: Chicago Tribune
The United Nations named former South African deputy president Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka to head the gender equality body U.N. Women on Wednesday, after former Chilean president Michelle Bachelet stepped down to pursue another presidential bid.

Source: UN News Centre
10 July 2013 – A senior United Nations official today stressed the need to ensure women can make their voices heard in Egypt without fear of violence, stressing that their right to take part in the country's public life must be protected.

Source: UN News Centre
Aiming to help develop a road map for women's engagement in efforts to bring peace to Africa's long-trouble Great Lakes countries,

Source: Chicago Tribune
The United Nations named former South African deputy president Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka to head the gender equality body U.N. Women on Wednesday,

Source: The Observer (Kampala)
This includes adolescents aged 10 to19, as well as youth aged 15 to 24. It is in this age-range that most young people begin to actively explore their sexuality and, therefore, require sexual and reproductive health information and services.

Source: Health-e (Cape Town)
Vhembe — The Mukwevho family of Mulodi Village are mourning the death of their daughter Betty following a botched illegal abortion last week.

Source: TRUST
It remains a fact that gender parity is a challenge for women across the globe.

Source: Daily Observer
The Central River Regional (CRR) health team on Thursday observed the Africa Maternal and New Born Morbidity and Mortality Day at Galleh Manda village, in Upper Fulladu west, CRR south

Source: AllAfrica
Different countries have taken measures and promulgated laws to fight violence against women and girls, but it is time to ensure they are put in practice and effective.

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