Source: Aljazeera
Despite threats, clan politics and marginalisation, some Somali women hope to change the country's political culture.

Source: Mail Online
Madinah Nalukenge recalls the day she set out to sell food on the filthy edges of a bus terminal in the Ugandan capital in 2004. She had just $10 left over from a failed attempt to sell bed sheets. Now she runs a catering business that makes a monthly profit of up to $3,000, a source of pride for the 34-year-old single mother who spends her days offering plates of mashed plantain and greasy meats to transport operators in downtown Kampala.

Source: Front Page Africa
Suakoko — President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has challenged Liberian women to rise up to the challenge by empowering themselves now that the pace has been set for self-actualization.

Source: CNN
Today, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi ordered his interior minister to fight sexual harassment after several women were attacked during his inauguration celebrations. But will el-Sisi's sentiment make a difference?

Source: Ahram Online
A Facebook event titled 'Walk like an Egyptian Woman' is calling for everyone to 'leave their political views aside' and show up Saturday for the rally.

Source: The Telegraph
Suspected Boko Haram militants kidnap 20 women from a nomadic settlement in northeast Nigeria. The 20 women were kidnapped near the town of Chibok, where Boko Haram abducted the 300 schoolgirls

Source: The Herald
Last week, Zimbabwe launched the Beijing+20 Consultative Process, joining several countries across the globe that have since embarked on the next level of women empowerment.

Source: Heritage

The Office of the Vice President of the Republic of Liberia has announced collaboration between F-SHAM of Faith School for Girls, The Foundation for Women and EDIFY, an Education partner in Liberia that will result in funding to transform F-SHAM into a high Technology school for girls in Liberia.

Source: BBC News Africa
Emily was bitten, beaten and raped just a few hundred metres from the UN camp in South Sudan's capital, Juba.

Source: CNN
Uniformed Egyptian police pull a woman in nothing but her underclothes from a frenzied mob. "Get back boy! Get back!" the officers say as one lifts his pistol into the air. Large patches of skin on the victim appear bloodied and raw as she struggles to walk toward a police van with hordes of men still fighting for a handful of her body.

Source: The Christian Science Monitor
In Niger, banks providing cereal grains to poor farmers are receiving support from the International Fund for Agricultural. But, the women running these cereal banks are doing more – they are reducing the impact of Niger's food crisis.

Source: Forbes
The African Union has declared 2014 to be the "Year of Agriculture and Food Security", bringing much needed attention to the sector's potential to transform the continent. This year's Africa Progress Report outlines what is needed for Africa to leverage its decade of growth into a transformative development.

Source: Al Jazeera America

Egypt made sexual harassment a crime and introduced penalties including prison terms and fines on Thursday, as the country attempts to control a rise in attacks on women.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

Even for community workers used to hearing horrific accounts of sexual violence in Liberia, the case of a two-year-old girl raped by a male acquaintance was devastating.

Source: The Guardian

Three years ago, Margaret* was living a normal life in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, running a restaurant and bringing up three children. One evening, armed men came to her door. They took her to an abandoned house and forced her into a room with four other women; all of them naked.

Source: allAfrica

London — The London Summit on Ending Sexual Violence in Conflict is a landmark opportunity to strengthen global efforts to end rape in war, Human Rights Watch said today. Governments should use the summit, from June 10 to June 13, 2014, to make strong public commitments to end impunity for sexual violence, assist survivors, and prevent further rapes.

Source: Forbes

The African Union has declared 2014 to be the "Year of Agriculture and Food Security", bringing much needed attention to the sector's potential to transform the continent.

Source: allAfrica                                                                                                                                                                  Many Zimbabweans mistakenly think that the terms "gender" and "woman" are synonyms and can be used inter-changeably as they refer to the same thing.

SOURCE: IPS News                                                                                                                                                             As with many conflicts and other humanitarian emergencies around the world, those who suffer the most are women, young girls and children. The current terrible crisis in South Sudan is no exception.

Source: IPSnews

Just 17 years old, Clarisse is already a mother of two, who lives with her husband and his four other wives in rural southern Chad. Three years earliershe had watched her mom and sisters preparing food for a party one day.

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