Source: The Cairo Post

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is increasing in rural areas in Egypt according to Women and Development Association (WDA) Alexandria governorate head Aida Nour al-Din, Youm7 reported Friday.

Source: IPS News

As Burundi heads towards the 2015 general elections, and despite a quota of 30 percent women's representation in parliament, women in this southeast African nation feel that they are yet to have a significant say in the management of their country.

Source: Global Post

After landing in Johannesburg following a 19-hour flight from New York, I hop in a taxi heading towards the city center. As I look out the window, the nation's largest city seems calm. The streets are clean, children are playing in the parks, and family homes and business complexes dot the landscape.

Source: allAfrica                                                                                                                                                                                                                       April 2, 2014, remains a sad day to 53 year old Judith Jumpha of Kwaloza Village, TA Dambe in Mchinji as she recalls the nightmare she passed through when she was left lifeless and had broken jaws after being severely beaten by Group Village Headman Kwaloza and his boys.

Source: World Food Programme                                                                                                                                                                                            A new initiative to ensure better education for girls in Malawi is today being launched by Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg in Dedza.

Source: Morocco World News                                                                                                                                                                                                  Conscious of the fact that women's rights are a genuine barometer of the democratic process, the state of women's rights three years after the revolutions continues to worry civil society and the intellectual community in the region.

Source: Nigerian Tribume                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development is to partner with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), to ensure the inclusion of Nigerian women in the financial system, by promoting financial inclusion through their various initiatives, such as the N220 billion Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Fund (MSMEDF) as well as their Agricultural Financing Scheme.

Source: Daily News
KAGERA women have been advised to breastfeed their babies for at least three years to enable their children have strong immunity against various diseases including Asthma.

Source: Leadership
Nigerian troops during the week arrested three suspected female terrorists who have been secretly recruiting women into the female wing of the terrorist group, Boko Haram.

Source: Leadership
About 63 out of the 68 women that were abducted two weeks ago from three villages of Borno State by Boko Haram gunmen have escaped from captivity and made their way back to their homes, witnesses and security officials have said.

Source: allAfrica

A MEDIA report has it that three girls aged 13 and 14 recently fled to a local church for protection against perpetrators of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Source: The Guardian

Friday 4 July: Independence Day. There will be speeches, celebrations and fireworks. But these celebrations will be taking place on the other side of the world from the US, because on Friday, the central African country of Rwanda will mark its own Liberation Day.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

The year 2014 marks a very significant step towards building a fairer world for men and women. This year we begin a year-long celebration ahead of the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 2015. This platform provided the framework to help countries devise public policies to push gender equality forward. We can see substantial progress across different fields.

Source: IPS News

Every year, three million newborn babies and almost 6.6 million children under five die globally, but if the rest of the world looked towards the examples of two of Africa's least-developed countries (LDCs), Rwanda and Ethiopia, they would perhaps be able to save these children.

Source: Frontline Defenders
On 24 June 2014, the Ministry of Justice cancelled the registration license of human rights organisation the Salmmah Women's Resource Centre, and initiated the immediate liquidation of the organisation, leading to its closure on the same day.

Source: Thomas Reuters Foundation
In parts of Malawi, when a girl reaches puberty she may receive a night-time visit from a “hyena” – the name given to an older man who has sex with girls to “clean out the dust” of childhood and prepare them for marriage.

Source: Northumberland Gazette
A north Northumberland woman has just returned from a life-changing voluntary placement in west Africa.

Source: The Guardian
Rwanda has gone from a disaster zone to a country determined to move on – and it's women driving forward the peace process.

Source: KC Team
The defaulter's club in Kenya is not like any other club - it is a growing movement of teenagers born with HIV who deliberately take 'holidays' from their life-saving medication.

Source: Voice of America
The United Nations says gender-based violence against Central African Republic refugees in East Cameroon is very high and is calling on the government in Yaounde to do more to protect these vulnerable women.

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