Source: Devex
As the deadline for the Millennium Development Goals approaches, there can be no doubt that the MDGs, including MDG 3 — “promote gender equality and empower women” — have made a significant difference to the lives of women and girls worldwide.

Source: The Ecologist
Plastic waste, often burning, is a constant companion in Gambia, a poor country where few enjoy formal rubbish collection, writes Louise Hunt. Now a pioneering project to upcycle waste plastic is beginning to tackle the problem - and in the process enhancing women's social and economic status.

Source: TunisiaLive
Amid political strife, Tunisian women will celebrate national Women’s Day Tuesday, marking the 57th anniversary of the country's central piece of women's rights legislation, the Code of Personal Status.

Source: TunisiaLive
Today, Tunisian women are celebrating the national Day of Women and Family and are empowered with a new sense of freedom and hopes for a more advanced and democratic nation.

Source: StarAFrica
About 21 percent of South African women believe that boys have more rights to education than girls while an almost equal number or 20 percent of women believe a woman's place is in the house and not at the workplace, a new survey said.

Source: Huffington Post
Traditionally, women's options for lowering their risk of contracting HIV have been relatively limited: Use condoms or don't have sex. Don't inject drugs. And get tested.

Source: Accra AllAfrica
The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) has begun a process of consolidating five major legislations on local governance and decentralization, namely the District Assemblies Common Fund Act, 1993 (Act 455); Local Government Act, 1993 (Act 462); National Development Planning (System) Act, 1994 (Act 480); Local Government Service Act, 2003 (Act 656); and the Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658).

Source: CNN 
When I was doing my degree in computer science in Ghana's Valley View University 10 years ago, there just were seven girls in the class. After four years, only four graduated and out of that number, just two of us have stayed in technical roles. Today, my little sister's computer science class has at least 30% females and a smaller drop-off rate.

Source: GhanaWeb

A monitoring report on the level of involvement and participation of women in public discourse on radio in Ghana shows a 10% reduction from December 2013, despite efforts by government and non-governmental organisations to improve gender equity at all levels.

Source: ISS
Between 1913 and 1986, women in South Africa passively and actively resisted regulations that would compel them to carry passes - a system designed to control and restrict where and how women lived, worked and moved.

Source: IRIN
After decades battling high maternal death rates - at least a third of which were due to botched abortions - Ethiopia took a stand: it prioritized newborn and maternal health, and in 2005 it relaxed its abortion law in an effort to save women's lives.

Source: The Guardian
Do women hold the key to a peaceful society? Much is known about the victimisation of women through rape, trafficking, and early marriages, but much is yet to be discovered about how women can be empowered in conflict settings to bridge the gap towards peace.

Source: Ahram Online
Three men received Harsh Jail Terms on Thursday for Sexual Assault - but this is Just the Beginning, Say Anti-Sexual Harassment Groups.

Source: BBC
Coudy Binta De's eyes light up when she talks about how she first became fascinated with computers. The 24-year-old says that as a young girl she went to visit her mother in work at one of the Senegalese government's first computer departments.

Source: African Seer
The first time Alfred went to an HIV voluntary testing center, the healthcare provider did not treat him well. As a gay man, his story is not so rare.

Source: Business Ghana
The Foundation for Security and Development in Africa (FOSDA), on Thursday urged more women to contest the forthcoming district assemblies' elections to enable them participate actively in policy formulation and decision-making processes.

Source: MANA Online
Chikwawa, August 4: Low self esteem is said to be amongst the major challenges causing girls to venture into immoral behaviors hence many dropouts in the districts of Salima and Chikwawa.

Source: SA News

This is an auspicious year for our country. It is 20 years since our nation emerged from the shadow of apartheid and also the 60th milestone of extraordinary women who fought for our democracy.   

Source: Health-e (Cape Town)
Our doctor-turned-blogger continues her rural awakening as she is confronted by illiteracy and mother-to-child HIV transmission on a long night shift in the wards.She looks up at me and nods, but I'm almost sure she doesn't understand.

"You need to have this operation because the baby is getting tired," I say. "Sign here that you agree... "

Source: allAfrica                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tanzania Media Women's Association (TAMWA) and other civil society organisations (CSOs) that champion human rights have strongly condemned some journalists who take photos of various gender-based violence incidents against journalism ethics.

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