Source: Yle
A Finn of Somali origin wants to run as a candidate in the Somali presidential election in 2016. Fadumo Dayib is currently studying public administration at Harvard, but she thinks that Somalia is now ready for a female president.

Source: IPS News                                                                                                                                                                                                               
With the United Nations' post-2015 development agenda currently under discussion, civil society actors in Europe are calling for a firmer stance on human rights and gender equality, including control of assets by women.

Source: Human Rights Watch                                                                                                                                                                                                  Soldiers from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) have sexually abused and exploited vulnerable Somali women and girls on their bases in Mogadishu, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Troop-contributing countries, the African Union (AU), and donors to AMISOM should urgently address these abuses and strengthen procedures inside Somalia to seek justice.

Source: VibeGhana                                                                                                                                                                                                                Mr Kojo Bonsu, Kumasi Metropolitan Chief Executive (MCE), says government would not shirk its responsibility on girl-child education.

Source: Daily News                                                                                                                                                                                                                Gender Based Violence (GBV) is a grave reality in the lives of many women and children. It is often directed against a person on the basis of gender and constitutes a breach of the fundamental right to life, liberty, security, dignity, equality between women and men, non-discrimination and physical and mental integrity.

Source: Mmegi Online                                                                                                                                                                                                            As many as 53 out of 100 women, have at one stage or another been forced into unprotected sex by their partners. This was revealed by gender officer at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Irene Ramatala, at a New Directions in Global Health seminar held in Sowa Town, which addressed gender based violence (GBV) and its links to HIV/AIDS infection. Ramatala noted that the figures were from a 2010 study.

Source: UN News Centre                                                                                                                                                                                                      Women are crucial partners in peacebuilding and must be guaranteed the safe political space, including a seat at the "negotiating table," to participate in all steps of post-conflict reconciliation and recovery processes, stressed high-level United Nations officials today at a Headquarters event.

Source: Daily Times                                                                                                                                                                                                             The rescuing of a 13-year-old girl from a forced marriage in north Zambia recently has ignited calls for invigorated efforts to put an end to child marriages in the southern African nation.

Source: AllAfrica
It is discouraging and annoying to be forced to listen to government functionaries making excuses for inaction in promoting and upholding human rights and more so when such excuses are unsubstantiated or not well researched.

Source: The Guardian
About one in 10 girls around the world experiences serious sexual violence, the UN children's agency has said in a major report detailing the "staggering extent" of sexual, physical and emotional abuse faced byyoung people.

Source: AllAfrica
The world seems to be losing the battle against Ebola. Who is to blame? Critics say the international community is not doing enough to curb the disease.

Source: SABC News
Human Rights Activist, Graca Machel, has again highlighted the plight of Africa's most vulnerable women and children. She was speaking in Durban after receiving the prestigious Mahatma Gandhi International Award for Peace and Reconciliation, on behalf of conflict management institution, Accord.

Source: National Democratic Institute
The U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit brought government and civil society leaders from across Africa to Washington, D.C., earlier this month for a three day event, which highlighted Africa as an increasingly important actor in world affairs. The Summit also included forum discussions on the importance of civil society and women’s political participation.

Source: Sowetan
WHEN announcing his cabinet earlier this year, President Jacob Zuma mandated the women's ministry to champion women's socio-economic empowerment and rights. 

Source: Pretoria News
Men may be financially wealthier and occupy more office space, but they seem second rate in other terms, says Fikile-Ntsikelelo Moya.

The Women's Manifesto Coalition (WMC) for Ghana has expressed satisfaction with the progress so far made in the implementation of the Women's Manifesto for Ghana (WMG) since it was launched on September 2, 2004.

Source: DW
A new drive to end child marriage is underway in Tanzania. In a country where almost two out of five girls will be married before their 18th birthday, the "Child Marriage-Free Zone" campaign faces an uphill struggle.

Source: Nigeria.Gov 
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women has launched a report and training manual for building the capacity of stakeholders on Affirmative Action in the country.

Source: AllAFrica / AFDB
About one hundred African business women gathered in Nairobi, Kenya for the African Women Linkage Forum from 18 to 20 August 2014. The session was organized by the Chairperson of the Bureau of the African Union in partnership with the UNDP Regional Services Centre. The Forum sought to enhance women's leadership in public and private sector institutions at both national and regional levels.

Source: Business iAfrica
Results of the 2014 MasterCard Index of Women's Advancement show that gender inequality towards women remains in the workplace, particularly in the areas of leadership and employment.

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