Source: East African Business Week
Dar es Salaam — Only 35% of Tanzanian women are in the managerial level positions according to findings made by the Association of Tanzania Employers (ATE) through its Female Future Tanzania (FFT) program.

Source: The Ethiopian Herald
Women health workers have contributed significantly to improve the awareness of the public towards health issues including vaccination.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation
Nobel-prize nominated Congolese gynaecologist Denis Mukwege, who treats war rape victims, was named by TIME magazine on Thursday as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

Source: The Washington Post
Mary, who is 24 but looks barely 18, has already experienced more than enough betrayal for any lifetime.

Source: New Vision
When Oyam South lawmaker Betty Amongi on Wednesday took to the floor of parliament to inform the House of yet another batch of Ugandan 'girls' in peril in a foreign country, one would have been forgiven to think that the issue would be a minor footnote in the day's proceedings.

Source: The Nation
THE United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations Samantha Power has said the rescue of the Chibok girls remains a priority.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation
Women now receive almost as much education as men, but this has not translated into equal numbers in jobs or parliamentary seats, a U.S. researcher who studied data from more than 150 countries said on Friday.

Source: Jewish Telegraphic Agency
The umbrella body of Jewish organizations in South Africa is being sued for discrimination over its decision not to allow women to sing at the annual Holocaust memorial ceremony.

Source: Forbes
The classic startup accelerator model has quite a few good points. But it’s not particularly feasible for parents who can’t, say, pick up and leave their families for three months. And it’s even harder in countries where there are cultural biases about young women leaving home.

Source: BBC
A number of students have been arrested at South Africa's Rhodes University following protests that allegations of rape on campus are not taken seriously.

The peacekeepers motioned to the teenage girl weaving through the sprawling camp in the baking afternoon sun selling bananas from a plate atop her head.

Source: Libya Herald
A delegation of Libyan women activists participated in a seminar ‘Crisis in Libya: Libyan women for a network of dialogue and peace’, held in Italy on15-16 April 2016. The event was organised by the Italian non-profit organisation Minerva, with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Source: UN Women
"At first, my husband was not very supportive because he said ‘politics is a big challenge, you will spend a lot of money and, as a woman you will not gain enough support because politics is for men.’

Source: The Herald
Last year many women's rights activists and the general populace celebrated the legal ban of child marriages.

Source: Daily Nation
The day of a child's birth should be a day filled with joy, but for many Kenyans, it is a day of fear.

Source: The Citizen
Dar es Salaam — Human Rights Watch has urged the government to 'immediately' amend provisions of the inheritance law, saying it violates the rights of women.

Source: Cameroon Tribune
A delegation from the Japanese football federation is currently in Cameroon to explore ways of assisting Cameroon in the domain of feminine football.

Source: United Nations Centre
Concluding her first visit to Mali, a United Nations envoy has stressed the need to make the issue of sexual violence in conflict a central consideration of the ongoing peace process in the African country.

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