Source: The Daily Vox
On Tuesday night, people gathered at the Joburg Theatre to hear a panel of three African women reflect on Africa's emancipation post-the North African uprising of 2011.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
Dodoma — An exercise to review the 1971 Marriage Act, which seems to have outlived its efficacy in this era of women empowerment, has started, government disclosed yesterday.

Source: Lasaka Times
President Edgar Lungu has called on Zambians to reflect on the sacrifices made by the founding fathers and mothers as they Commemorate this year’s African Freedom Day.

Source: IOL
WHAT is good for Africa is good for the world.” That was UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon’s message yesterday ahead of Africa Day today, celebrated annually on May 25.

Source: Medical Daily
Text messages have revolutionized the way we interact with each other — and the way we receive and practice health care may be next.

Source: Graphic Online
A meeting of high-ranking African women from various walks of life has been held in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The three-day meeting, dubbed, International SHEROES Forum, was organised by Forum Solutions International, in conjunction with SHEROES Foundation, to discuss issues affecting gender equality, including women’s participation in politics and business leadership.

Source: Awareness Times
FREETOWN, Sierra Leone, May 23, 2016// —President Dr Ernest Bai Koroma opened the International Conference “Women Engineering Change, Accelerating the Peace in Achieving Results, Touching and Changing Lives and Contributing to Sustainable Development” organizead by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children Affairs in collaboration with UN Women, Plan International, Food and Agricultural Organization and World Food Programme to look into issues of women’s empowerment and gender equality across the globe.

Source: The Guardian
Millions of women and girls in the world’s poorest countries are being denied the opportunity to help drive development because of the “countless barriers” they still face in health, education and employment, a report warns.

Source: UN Population Fund
The world is currently facing its worst refugee crisis since the Second World War, due to conflicts, persecutions and natural disasters intensified by climate change. And tens of millions still living in their homes or displaced within their own countries are also in critical need of humanitarian services.

Source: IRIN
The number of people forced from their homes by conflict and persecution has now reached an estimated 60 million. The reason is not more wars, but conflicts that have become more intractable and drawn out. More than 80 percent of refugee crises now last for 10 or more years and two out of five last for at least 20 years.

Source: Al Jazeera
Since it was formed in 2010, UN Women has carried the mandate of promoting gender equality and women's empowerment across the globe. Success has been mostly patchy for an agency that must navigate social and cultural barriers and the sensitivities of member states.

Source: African Union
In January 2014, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, HE Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma decided to appoint a Special Envoy on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) with the task “to ensure that the voices of women and the vulnerable are heard much more clearly in peace building and in conflict resolution”.

Source: UN Women
Briefing the General Assembly on the challenges being faced and progress being made to end the exploitation and abuse by United Nations peacekeepers, senior UN officials today indicated that immediate concerns have been focused on providing protection and support to the victims, and reiterated the need for collective efforts to put stronger measures in place to ensure prevention and greater accountability.

Source:News Deeply
Women and Girls Hub: First, tell us a little bit about the global landscape for vaccinations today. How many kids are in need of vaccinations in the developing world?

Source:News Deeply
Heba Alshibani did not set out to become a journalist. She had expected to become an academic, as many members of her Libyan family had before the February 2011 uprising that led to the overthrow of Muammar Qaddafi [Gaddafi].

Disasters kill more women  than men and hit women’s livelihoods hardest. According to UN reports, 60 per cent of all maternal deaths take place in humanitarian settings and all forms of gender-based violence against women and girls spike during disasters and conflict.

Source: The Herald
On July 20, 1960 Sirimavo Bandaranaike gained global fame for Sri Lanka when she became the world's first woman prime minister.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
Tanzania Women Chamber of Commerce (TWCC) plans to carry out business trainings on women in cross border trade in order to enable them grasp and fully utilise the East African Common market business opportunities.

Source: The Ethopian Herald
Women contribution to socioeconomic progress is immense and among others their entrepreneurial and business skills which benefit the society can be mentioned.

Source: Gadget
The Start-Up Tel Aviv South Africa competition this year provides a life-changing experience for women tech entrepreneurs. In its third year, the competition offers the immense benefit of traveling to Israel for a week of meetings, workshops and networking opportunities with some of the world’s leading tech and start-up experts. The winner will spend five-days, all-expenses paid, in a start-up experience in the heart of Tel Aviv in September 2016, during the innovative DLD Festival.

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