SOURCE: UNFPA West and Central

Survivors of Female Genital Mutilation possess a unique and powerful voice that can drive meaningful change. Their experiences offer important insights into the challenges faced and the support needed. By sharing their stories, survivors can raise awareness, reduce stigma, and inspire action within communities and among policymakers.

Source: The Herald

A 62-year-old serial rapist, Daniel Chauke has been sentenced to an effective 133 years in prison after being convicted of seven counts of rape.

Source: SA News

History has been made in Limpopo where Health MEC, Dr Phophi Ramathuba, has been elected as the new Premier - the first woman to hold the position in the province.

Source: Leadership

Enugu State governor's wife, Mrs Nkechinyere Mbah, has launched the "Mama Care Initiative."

She enrolled 1,701 pregnant women in a one-year health insurance premium through it.


DARFUR/KHARTOUM, Sudan – Aisha* lost both her parents last year, aged just 17. “I was left alone at home. I couldn’t reach out to any of my relatives because the situation was extremely tense,” she told UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency.

SOURCE: World Food Programme

World Food Programme and the Government join forces to boost farm production, strengthen livelihoods, and empower women in a challenging environment.

SOURCE: Liberian Observer

Over 100 women from across Liberia gathered in Ganta last week in a consultative conference to brainstorm on issues on Women's rights and come up with a policy.

SOURCE: Addis Standard

Addis Abeba – Research conducted by the Center for the Advancement of Rights and Democracy (CARD), titled “Voice of Guji: Grave Human Rights Situation in Oromia’s Guji Zones,” underscores severe human rights violations in these regions.

SOURCE: State Information Service

On Monday, the Ministry of Health and Population said that up to 49.886 million women have received medical services provided by the Egyptian Women's Health Presidential Initiative, since its launch in July 2019 and till the end of May 2024.

SOURCE: Nigerian Health Watch

Following the devastating Ebola outbreak in 2014, it became clear that the health systems in countries in West Africa were not prepared to effectively respond to public health emergencies with the speed and efficiency required to save lives and contain the spread of disease.

SOURCE: Ghana Today

ABANTU for Development, a gender and policy advocacy Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) has called for the passage of the Affirmative Action Bill before the 2024 general elections to boost women’s representation in governance structures.


2024 Theme: Let’s act on our commitments: End Child Labour!

This year's World Day will focus on celebrating the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (1999, No. 182). It also presents an opportunity to remind all stakeholders to improve their implementation of the two fundamental Conventions on child labor - Convention No. 182 and Convention No. 138 concerning the Minimum Age for Admission to Employment or Work (1973).

SOURCE: The Herald

"I represented someone who had killed his wife over infidelity accusations and at that point, he said he had caught the wife red-handed. In a fit of rage, he started attacking the two. Still, the alleged lover escaped through a window and the woman was beaten to death," said Ms. Julian Mugova, a legal practitioner from Bulawayo, who has been dealing with cases involving Gender Based Violence (GBV).

SOURCE: Premium Times

When medical personnel in Africa’s most populous country flee overseas, there is a big problem. Who caters to Nigeria’s over 200 million population when less than half of registered doctors practise in the country and the larger percentage have migrated to greener pastures? Worse still, there is less investment in healthcare infrastructure. Who feels the brunt of the exodus more?

SOURCE: The Point

Ndey Rose Sarr, UNFPA country representative to The Gambia, has said that Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting is a harmful and a human rights violation. She added that it is also a sexual rights violation and child rights violation that should not be allowed by The Gambia.


Chad’s female leaders and activists have strongly condemned what they say is their negligible representation in President Mahamat Idriss Deby's first civilian government after a three-year transition from military rule. The women voiced their concerns during a meeting in Chad's capital, N'djamena, on Monday.


On Friday, the Together Against Rape and Sexual Violence campaign launched an initiative to pressure the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) to commit to prohibiting sexual violence in armed conflict. They are urging the parties to sign the “Instrument of Commitment to Prohibit Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict” to create a record of accountability and end impunity in Sudan.


Luanda — The role of women in the development of the country's oil sector was highlighted Tuesday in Luanda during a lecture on the "contribution of African women in the creation of new leadership."

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