SOURCE: AllAfrica

Kigali, Rwanda — In Africa, the fight against malnutrition and food insecurity has long been a pressing issue. But while significant progress has been made, a glaring disparity persists - the gender nutrition gap.

SOURCE: AllAfrica

Kigali — Women's empowerment is like a pebble dropped in a pond. The ripples it creates spread far and wide, benefiting everyone in society.

SOURCE: AllAfrica

The Women's Association for Victims' Empowerment (WAVE) recently engaged women victims of torture for them to dialogue and to promote their participation in the country's transitional justice process.

Source: All Africa

In every corner of the globe, the significance of land as the bedrock of shelter, security, and livelihood is undeniable.

Yet, almost 50% of the world's population - women - are denied equal rights to land, and often lack the legal rights to own or inherit land.

SOURCE: Daily Trust

Medical professionals have called on the federal government to take urgent action to cut down the rising number of women and babies dying due to complications during childbirth.

SOURCE: The New Times

All is set for the long-awaited Women Deliver 2023 Conference, which starts on Monday, July 17, with pre-events beginning on Sunday, July 16.


The Pakistani education advocate – who was shot by the Taliban for her activism - was speaking exactly 10 years after her landmark‘Malala Day’ address to youth at UN Headquarters in New York, where she called for global action against illiteracy, poverty, and terrorism.

SOURCE: The New Humanitarian

Women escaping the M23 conflict in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and seeking safety in mushrooming displacement camps are at risk of rape and sexual assault as an underfunded humanitarian response fails to keep them safe.

SOURCE: Times Live

At the advent of South Africa’s democracy in 1994, an overwhelming majority of academics in the country’s public higher education institutions were white men. Black South Africans (a group consisting of those designated as Indian, Coloured, or African under apartheid) constituted 89% of the overall population. But they made up just 17% of the academic workforce.

SOURCE: African Arguments

Two decades on from a landmark treaty advancing the rights of African women, gender equality remains alive on paper, elusive in practice. 

SOURCE: New Times

July 11, 2023, will mark the twentieth anniversary of the Maputo Protocol on African Women's Rights. By identifying the protection of women's rights as a foundation for sustainable development, the Protocol guaranteed African women and girl's fundamental rights, including the right to education and health.

SOURCE: Africa Renewal

In a groundbreaking turn of events, women in Bugiri District, Eastern Uganda, have defied societal norms and broken into the traditionally male-dominated fish farming industry.

Grassroots organizing, coalitions, and movement-building majorly contributed to South Sudan’s independence in 2011 from Sudan, in which women and girls played a significant role. While the promise and vision for the “New Sudan” embodied all, including women’s, liberation, the post-independence reality has been otherwise. This is not surprising because, throughout the liberation struggle, politicians used the women’s agenda without ever centering women or their freedom.

SOURCE: AllAfrica

The mental health of pregnant women in Zambia, like in much of Africa, is often overlooked. But it's important to diagnose postpartum depression for the health of both the mother and the child.

SOURCE: Nyasa Times

The Forum for African Women Educationalists in Malawi(FAWEMA) has expressed the need to promote gender equality and inclusion in the education sector to ensure developmental growth in the country.

SOURCE: Afrobarometer

According to the 2016 Seychelles Gender-Based Violence National Baseline Study, about four in 10 Seychellois women have experienced physical violence by intimate partners, and  more than one in four have suffered sexual violence (Gender Secretariat, 2016; Seychelles  Nation, 2016). The study found that women are also disproportionately affected by  psychological and economic forms of gender-based violence (GBV). A study by the  Commonwealth Secretariat (2019) estimated that violence against women and girls costs  Seychelles 1.2% of its gross domestic product. 

SOURCE: Premium Times

The Lagos State government has through its Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency, (DSVA) opened the Eko Haven, a 30-bed shelter for survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV).

SOURCE: 263Chat

The Women's Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCoZ), a non-partisan national network dedicated to promoting women's rights, has called upon the Zimbabwe Election Commission (ZEC) to adhere to the Constitution of Zimbabwe and uphold due process about the administration of the forthcoming 2023 general election.

SOURCE: AllAfrica

A total of 400 export-oriented women and youth have been equipped with skills in exploring regional and continental markets for their enterprises.

SOURCE: Capital News

SIAYA, Kenya June 16 – Chief Justice Martha Koome has launched the second specialized Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) Court in Siaya County. This becomes the second SGBV court after Shanzu in Mombasa.

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