Source: Angola Press
 The African women’s movement, Monday, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, submitted to the 16th African Union (AU) summit, a proposal related to maintaining an agenda with subject about women’s rights issues.

Source: UN News Center
Ban Ki-moon today lauded the launch of a website for the permanent memorial honouring the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade, calling it an important step forward in making the memorial a reality at the United Nations Headquarters complex.

Source: United Nations Radio

A group of soldiers from the national army in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or DRC have been identified as possible culprits behind a rape and looting spree that took place on New Year's Day in the eastern town of Fizi in South Kivu province.

Source: United Nations Radio
An estimated 25,000 people from Cote d'Ivoire have crossed into neighbouring Liberia, and more than 600 continue to arrive every day, according to the UN refugee agency, UNHCR.

Source: World Food Program
Fifteen women leaders, including executives from Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola, Bank of America,  brainstormed on Friday about how to improve the food security of women in the developing world.Naturally, by talking about the food security of women they were also talking about the food security of millions of families in the developing world.

Source: UN Women
Through the tall gate, unremarkable from the street, is a place of refuge. Flowers spill along the paths that link a series of modest one-story buildings. The air is full of the sounds of laughter, music and dance, as today is a celebration of women’s survival and strength.

Source: UN Media Division
Measures Proposed in Resolution 1960 (2010) Include Listing, Enhanced Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting

 As it began a two-day open debate on women and peace and security, the Security Council today requested the Secretary-General to supply it with detailed information on parties credibly suspected of responsibility for patterns of sexual violence during armed conflict.

Source: UN News And Media Division
“Women now are watching and waiting,” Margot Wallström, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, told the Security Council today as it concluded its debate on that subject.

Source: UN News Center
Only when rape in armed conflict becomes a liability for armed groups rather than a tool in the struggle for power – a war crime that will bring inevitable punishment – will progress be made in eliminating the scourge, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today.

Source: BuaNews
Addis Ababa - The United Nations (UN) Women, the newest UN entity, celebrated its establishment at the 16th African Union (AU) Summit on Sunday.

Source: Afrique en Ligne
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on Sunday called for greater protection for the African women, saying that culture and tradition should not justify the injustices made to them.

Source: UN News Center
Army soldiers allegedly raped at least 67 women over the New Year period in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), more than double the number originally thought, United Nations human rights investigators have found.

Source: IPS
Despite birthing 100 percent of the world's children, growing 70 percent of the world's food and performing 60 percent of the world's labour, women only receive a fraction - a mere 10 percent - of the world's income.

Source: IPS

CAPE TOWN - Noncedo Pulana lacks many things, but she is certainly not short of confidence as she prepares to stand for election as Khayelitsha ward councillor. She feels her long years as an activist in the sprawling township have prepared her to do a better job.

Source: UN WOMEN
The new United Nations agency promoting women’s rights and their full participation in global affairs will reinforce its presence in individual countries, as opposed to relying on regional representation, to more clearly understand the specific problems, its chief said today.

 Source: UN Radio
The lives of up to 16 million women and children could be saved after funding promises totalling 40 million dollars were fulfilled. The contributions were made to the UN's Global Strategy on Children's and Women's Health. The programme was adopted at the Millennium Development Goals or MDG Summit in New York last September. Jocelyne Sambira reports.

  Source: UN News
The United Nations envoy on sexual violence in conflict has called on authorities in Côte d'Ivoire to swiftly investigate reported rapes that have occurred during the post-election crisis and to ensure better protection for women and girls in the West African nation.

Source: FAO
October 2010 marked the 10th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, which highlights the importance of involving women in all aspects of peacekeeping and peacebuilding to conserve peace, security and livelihoods.

Source: UN WOMEN
Speech delivered by Ms. Michelle Bachelet, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director, at the opening of the First Regular Session of the Executive Board of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), 24 January 2011.

Source: IPS
KAMPALA -  John Garang, the revered late leader of the Sudan Peoples' Liberation Movement, once said that women are the "the poorest of the poor and the marginalised of the marginalised". As the reality of an independent South Sudan approaches, the region's women have vowed they will not remain second class citizens.

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