Source: SFGate
In 2011, Ban Ki-moon  begins the fifth year of his five-year term as United Nations secretary-general, and a discussion will begin about a possible extension of his term or a possible successor for him.

Source: The Ghana News Agency (GNA)

More than 20 "kayayee" (female porters) from Agbogbloshie and Malamata markets and Tema Lorry Station in Accra have received confidence building training and education on HIV/AIDS and reproductive health issues, in order to serve as peer educators to their colleagues.

Source: UN News Center
The Security Council, which normally deals with country-specific issues of war and peace such as the Middle East or Sudan, today held a day-long, high-level debate on the root causes that fuel conflict in the world, like poverty and under-development.

Source: AllAfrica
Aggrieved female aspirants who failed to clinch the party's ticket in the last Peoples Democratic Party's primaries have been advised not to leave the party.

Source: UN News Center

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has teamed up with a group of artists from the United States and Tanzania to raise awareness, through music, on the need to have better maternal health services in the East African nation, where deaths related to childbearing remain a serious challenge.

Source: UN News Center
As part of its campaign against rape in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the United Nations and its partners this week opened a centre in the eastern city of Bukavu to provide a safe haven and training programmes for survivors of sexual violence.

Source: Guardian
"We know that the African Union summit is still very masculine but we are trying to bring in the voices of women," said Gertrude Mongella, former president of the Pan-African parliament, explaining the rationale behind the shadow summit organised by the Gender is my Agenda Campaign (Gimac) in Addis Ababa on 24-26 January. A difficult proposition in a forum where, at the very highest level, there is only one female representative, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, president of Liberia.

Source: Eyewitness News
Graca Machel on Wednesday said the next most important revolution for women after political freedom is economic control.

Source: UNFPA
In the aftermath of post-election violence here, almost 18 thousand people -- 70 per cent of them women, children and older persons – have been temporarily re-settled in the Western part of the country, fleeing from clashes between communities in the city of Duékoué. Another 30,000 have fled to Liberia. UNFPA, working as part of a humanitarian response team, has been paying particular attention to the reproductive health needs of women in the camps for internally displaced persons and protecting them against gender-based violence.

Source: TIME
We know what the birth of a revolution looks like: A student stands before a tank. A fruit seller sets himself on fire. A line of monks link arms in a human chain. Crowds surge, soldiers fire, gusts of rage pull down the monuments of tyrants, and maybe, sometimes, justice rises from the flames.

Source: BuaNews
Pretoria - Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Marius Fransman will today address a group of Women in Empowerment Network, where he will reflect on the empowerment of women in Africa.

Source: Relief Web
Rape victims from Songo Mboyo in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) will be presented with a boat as a gesture of solidarity from the United Nations on Monday, 7 February, in Mbandaka, DRC.

Source: UN News Center
Women continue to reap less benefits from employment in agriculture than men in rural areas, and the recent global financial and food crises have slowed down progress towards gender equality in farming-related labour, three United Nations agencies said in a joint report unveiled today.

Source: UN News Center
The United Nations rural development fund said today it has made significant progress in improving gender equality and strengthening the role of women in agriculture production, but noted that more remains to be done to help women reap the benefits of rural development.

Source: UN News Center
Ten years after the Security Council called for greater involvement of women in peacebuilding, United Nations peacekeeping missions have a mixed record and need to deploy greater efforts to reach the goal, according to a study launched today.

Source: Stars and Stripes
There was no field manual to consult, no military doctrine to guide the way.

Source:  New York Times
For years, diplomats, aid workers, academics and government officials here have been vexed almost to the point of paralysis about how to attack this country’s staggering problem of sexual violence, in which hundreds of thousands of women have been raped, many quite sadistically, by the various armed groups who haunt the hills of eastern Congo.

Source: Times Live
The Big Read: Jacob Zuma last week said the government would provide free sanitary towels to women and girls who cannot afford them.

Source: Pulse

Much has been aflutter on twitter about the very visible presence of women among the protests that have taken Egypt by storm over the last few weeks, but images of them have remained sparse amid the digital slideshows strung together by major media outlets, portraying mainly dense crowds of the manly.

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