Source: Vanguard
In a bid to check the challenges of infertility among Nigerian couples, TruCare Fertility Centre, held a free interactive forum for couples, in Lagos, to enlighten them on infertility issues in men and women alike.

MD/CEO of Trucare Fertility Centre, Dr Olusola Akiniyi said the reason behind the forum was as a result of the outrageous knowledge gap amongst individuals.

He said: "There seems to be so many people unaware of the importance of coming out early with their medical problems to seek solutions before it is too late; people do not just want to talk about their problems, they would rather suffer and die in silence."

Akiniyi urged women to face their marital duties instead of abandoning child-bearing to pursue career. According to him, the best possible age for a woman to give birth to a sound baby is between the ages of 24 and 29.

"For every woman, the number and destination of her eggs have been pre-determined. Every woman has 300 eggs and loses one each time she menstruates so women have to be very careful in baby making decisions as they do not have the power to replace the diminishing number of eggs in their bodies," he added

As a precautionary measure against infertility, he said a first step is to arm oneself with knowledge. He said that there is a need to educate people and encourage them to take decisions early when it would be more appropriate to make the best decisions.

He said irrespective of the high rate of infertility in the country, significant improvements in fertility treatment have made it possible for many patients to conceive with medical assistance.

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