Source: WomenNews Network
With the highest rate of human trafficking in East and Central Africa, several nongovernmental organizations in Kenya are now under investigation by INTERPOL , the world’s largest international police organization, with 188 member countries. The Interpol Sub-regional Bureau for Eastern Africa is based in Kenya’s capital in Nairobi.

Source: ANGOP
The role played by Angola in the context of the nations, special in resolution of political crisis and stability of various countries in the African continent was stressed Wednesday by the acting governor of the southern Cunene province.

Source: Afrique Avenir
In Africa, access to positions of political responsibility remains an exception for female politicians. But this is changing. In 2006, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf became the first woman elected at the head of a country: Liberia.

Source: Women's Enews
Rebels with the Lord's Resistance Army abducted Florence Ayot, 31, in 1989, when she was 9 years old.

Source: The Daily Beast
Fair hiring in China. Literacy in Mali. NEWSWEEK’s rankings reveal where women are winning—and where the gains are slow to come.

Source: African Press Organisation
The Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC), Dr. Jean Ping, met, Friday 16 September 2011, in Addis Ababa, with The Deputy Prime Minister Hon Thokozani Khupe of Zimbabwe, who is currently visiting Ethiopia.

Source: Catholic Information Service for Africa
In a bid to meet the Millenium Development Goals (MDG's) numbers one, three, five and eight, Tanzanian women entrepreneurs are holding an exhibition for their products and services to grow the largest women's trade fair in the country.

Source: Sunday Times
US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, has hailed Rwanda's strides in fighting HIV/AIDS and decreasing the rates of cervical cancer in the country, as well as its measures against malaria.

Source: World Bank
Gender equality matters in its own right but is also smart economics: Countries that create better opportunities and conditions for women and girls can raise productivity, improve outcomes for children, make institutions more representative, and advance development prospects for all, says a new World Bank flagship report.

Source:UN News Centre
Youngsters in Guinea-Bissau will receive comprehensive sexual education in primary and secondary schools thanks to a United Nations workshop to support efforts by the small West African country’s education ministry.

Source: Ghana News Agency
West Africa Network for Peace building (WANEP) in partnership with Crises Management Initiative (CMI) has launched a project on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Accra.

Source: IRIN
When long-time humanitarian Margie Buchanan-Smith was interviewed for one of her first field posts - in Sudan in the 1980s - she was asked: “Will you burst out crying when you arrive?” “No,” she replied - and got the job. But when she arrived she was one of few women on the ground, and was always questioned if she was up to it.

Source: IRIN
A severe drought and high food prices have forced many pastoralist families in northern Kenya to re-examine traditional roles. Women are now not only engaging in commercial activities, such as hawking and basket-weaving, but are also working nights to put food on the table.

Source: Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO)
Testament to an ongoing process of increasing gender equality, Khadra X. Ismail Yonis has been elected Somaliland’s first female mayor.

Source: Awarness Times
Four members of the All Political Parties Women’s Association (APPWA) were assaulted during the bloody violence that erupted in Bo on Friday September 9, 2011, an APPWA press release has confirmed. 

Source: Association ofor Women's Rights  in Development (AWID)
More than 100 million women worldwide wear diamond engagement rings, but at what cost to women in mining communities in Southern Africa and elsewhere?

Source: Health-e
In 1996, when South Africa returned to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the country made a resolution that declared violence a public health priority. But violent crime still remains endemic, with women and girls especially at risk.

Source: allAfrica
Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissesar and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will join other prominent women leaders for a high-level dialogue at the United Nations in New York on 19 September.

Source: Sudan Vision
The African Child Policy in cooperation with Plan, Save the Children, UNICEF and UNFPA organized a Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Violence against Girls in Africa on May 11-13, 2006. Unfortunately the issues raised on that event have still not been resolved. So, we will re-visit these issues again to draw attention to the need to address them in more effective ways.

Source: Next
Violence against women is one of the most common abuses of human rights. Its scope includes forced marriages, rape, sexual harassment, intimidation at work and in educational institutions, forced pregnancy, forced abortion, trafficking and forced prostitution.

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