Source: UN News Centre
The events of the past 10 months highlight the enormous power of young people in changing the world, the Deputy Secretary-General has said, calling on this segment of society to help shape a better future.

Source: NEXT
Hajiya Zainab Maina, Minister Women Affairs and Social Development, on Monday in Abuja appealed for support from the World Bank to restructure the operations of women's micro credit schemes in the country.

Source:  The New Times
African women meeting in Kigali have condemned what they termed lack of political commitment by most governments to ensure the development of women on the continent.

Source: RTT News
The United States introduced in the UN General Assembly on Tuesday a draft resolution entitled Women and Political Participation.

Source: Reuters
Women are almost on par with men around the world in health and education, but they still lag in economic and political participation and opportunities, according to a World Economic Forum report released on Tuesday.

Source: IRIN
After dropping out of school in the sixth grade to help her mother, Fartun Abdi Hashi, 22, was given a second chance at earning an income with a sanitary pads project.

Source: Afrique en Ligne
UN Security Council seeks greater role for women in conflict prevention, peacebuilding - The UN Security Council has urged countries to implement a landmark resolution which seeks to strengthen women’s participation in peacebuilding, peacekeeping, conflict prevention and mediation process.

African women meeting in Kigali have condemned what they termed lack of political commitment by most governments to ensure the development of women on the continent.

Source: IPS News Service
RIFT VALLEY, Kenya, Nov 1, 2011 (IPS) - Amina Shakir (not her real name) fled the drought and famine in Somalia for a better life in Kenya. But she did so illegally, placing her faith in the hands of a criminal network headed by Mukhalis or agents in Swahili. In the end her faith was misplaced as she was "sold" into employment upon finally reaching Kenya. 

Source: Public Agenda
Political parties in the country have been advised to assist in increasing the participation of women and Persons with Disability in politics, by instituting gender sensitive and disability friendly measures in the selection and election of candidates and officials.

Delegates from nearly 30 African countries are set to convene a preliminary meeting of the Eighth African Governance Forum (AGF-VIII) multi-stakeholder Policy Dialogue on "Gender Equality, Elections and democracy" on Novermber 1, 2011.

The Kenya Women Parliamentary Association has welcomed the passage of the Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Bill 2010 by Parliament saying it will greatly boost the fight against the practice.

Source: Bernama
Zimbabwe will host next year the inaugural African conference on women to be held under the auspices of Global Power Women Network in Africa, Deputy Prime Minister Thokozani Khupe said on Monday.

Source: Ghana News Agency
Mrs Hillary Gbedemah, a Lawyer and Gender Activist, on Thursday stated that women needed to develop “thick skins” as they aspire for leadership positions in society.

Source: The Guardian
Care is a central pillar of society, yet conventional development thinking fails to acknowledge its economic importance.

Source: The Guardian 
The population milestone is a reminder that there is much work to do on sexual and reproductive health and HIV if we are to meet the millennium development goals by 2015.

Source: United Nations Gilrs's Education Initiative (UNGEI)
Access to education is one of the key priorities for the government of the world’s newest nation, South Sudan. Seventy per cent of children aged 6 to 17 have never set foot in a classroom. The completion rate in primary schools is only 21 per cent, one of the lowest in the world.

Source: UN WOMEN
Speech delivered by UN Women Executive Director Ms. Michelle Bachelet at the Security Council Open Debate on Women and Peace and Security, 28 October 2011.

Source: UN WOMEN
On the anniversary of the Security Council Resolution 1325, on Women, Peace and Security, the UN  Security Council is holding an Open Debate today on the theme of “Women’s Participation and Role in Conflict Resolution and Mediation.” The theme is particularly apt in light of the award this month of the Nobel Peace Prize to three women peace makers.

Source: IPS
When post-revolution Egypt holds presidential elections next year, Buthaina Kamel is set to become the first woman in the country's modern history to run for the highest office. Although she knows her chances of winning are slim to none, she says she's doing it out of principle.

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