Source: This Day 
Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development, Hajiya Zainab Maina, has expressed the readiness of the Federal Government to work with the United Nations and other development partners to empower Nigerian women economically.

Source: Women News Network
The nation of Zambia has started the process of domesticating legal protective and reporting mechanisms that may increase help to women inside the country revealed the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Gender and Development in Zambia, Mr. Edwidge Mutale recently.

Source: Daily Observer
The Ecowas Federation of Business Women and Entrepreneurs (FEBWE) Gambia Chapter was Friday officially launched by the vice president and minister of Women's Affairs, Her Excellency Aja Dr Isatou Njie-Saidy, at SunSwing Hotel and Resort in Kololi.

Source: Al Arabiya
A Moroccan rights organization launched an awareness campaign against the veiling of young girls, describing it as a major form of child abuse.

Source: France24
Senegal will vote for new lawmakers in an election Sunday set to put more women than ever in the national assembly thanks to a new law which requires an equal gender balance on party lists.

Source: Bikyamasr
The international press has been quick to pick up the horrific story of the sexual assault and mob attack of British journalist Natasha Smith last Sunday. Local media, however, has been silent, highlighting one of the most pressing concerns among women’s rights advocates in the country, who continue to battle against stereotypes, violence and a lack of attention for the work they are doing.

Source: Daily Trust
Women Affairs Minister Hajiya Zainab Maina and other stakeholders yesterday called for more efforts in empowering women in the country.

Source: CNN
African Voices
is a weekly show that highlights Africa's most engaging personalities, exploring the lives and passions of people who rarely open themselves up to the camera.

Source: Pambazuka News
The renewed Sudan uprising whose genesis can be traced back to December 2010 is now nearly two weeks old. The latest protests began when a small group of women students from the University of Khartoum held a demonstration in response to increases in transport and food prices.

Source: Ghana Web
The news is poverty or starvation, HIV AIDS or human right abuse, child trafficking or ritual murder. Even more so, the African woman is always associated with domestic violence, Female Genital Mutilation or rape. Indeed, just like any other continent, Africa has her good and bad. If the negatives are being talked about, it is only fair that we recognize the positives as well.

Source: Xinhuanet
The UN Security Council on Wednesday agreed to prolong the presence of UN peacekeepers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) for a year.

Source: CNN
A few days before the runoff elections that brought the Muslim Brotherhood candidate to the presidency, I was invited along with other civil activists to meet Mohamed Morsi. He did not show up, but his top advisers were present. After the long speech they gave about how Morsi will empower the civil society and that the Muslim Brotherhood will respect human rights including women's rights, a colleague of mine raised his hand to ask a question.

Source: Huffington Post: For the first time ever, the declaration issued by participating Heads of State and Government at the NATO Summit in Chicago last month included a paragraph on sexual and gender-widespread violence. This is not only a recognition of the changing nature of conflict, but also an acknowledgement by NATO of the importance of the role of women and girls in building sustainable peace.

Source: Daily observer
In a bid to revive the long-delayed proposed legislation seeking to increase women’s participation in politics, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has challenged female legislators to re-introduce the ‘30% of Women Participation in Government’s Bill’ and guarantee its passage into law.

Source: IRIN
Uganda set up a national human trafficking task force in April, but a national action plan to combat trafficking - originally due in June - could be delayed for months as officials take stock of existing and fragmented law enforcement efforts.

Source: RNW
Last week, Uganda's Ethics and Integrity Minister Simon Lokodo announced plans to ban 38 NGOs for allegedly promoting homosexuality and actively recruiting homosexuals.

Source: The Chronicle
The government says it is committed to promoting and empowering women in the agricultural sector as a means of alleviating poverty in the country.

Source: Burness Communications
A new report
released today by Namati and the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) details an effective and cost-efficient process to help rural communities work together to protect their lands and natural resources--a potential solution to the global land grab. The communities, located in Liberia, Mozambique, and Uganda, have all survived long years of violence and upheaval only to find their lands coveted by foreign investors and local elite.

Source: All Africa
The obstacles to the empowerment and equality of women and young girls in the tourism sector in Africa are being analyzed since Monday atthe 53rd meeting of the World Tourism Organization (WTO) Commission for Africa, underway since Monday in Cross River, Calabar State, Nigeria.

Source: All Africa
The National Directorate of Employment (NDE) has commenced the training of female chauffeurs in collaboration with First Lady Patience Jonathan in Abuja.

The Director General of the NDE, Malam Mohammed Abubakar, disclosed when he led the management of the directorate on a visit to the training field where the ladies

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