Source: United States Department of Sate
President Obama signed an executive order July 20 that gives the U.S. Treasury Department expanded authority to sanction individuals and entities that contribute to the persistence of violence in Somalia.

Source: Daily Maverick
A new multi-faith initiative, Ubuntu in the Home, aims to harness the power and influence of South African religious leaders to tackle the problem of gender-based violence in the country. At the programme's launch on Tuesday, members of different faith communities lamented the silence that has previously prevailed among them on this topic. By REBECCA DAVIS.

Source: Huffington Post
How good laws help, and bad laws hamper, the global response to HIV.

Source: Daily Camera
Conservative U.S. Christian groups are setting up fronts in Africa to fight for anti-gay and anti-abortion legislation to promote their convictions, a report by a Boston-based think tank said Tuesday.

Source: The Star
OUR society is experiencing a metamorphosis. Kenyans are saying good riddance to oppressive cultures of wife battering and violence, which were traditionally fashionable, and unfortunately defined us. The barbaric act was, in some traditional setups, highly regarded as an undertaking that symbolised love from husbands, even when the actions resulted in serious bodily harms.

Source: IPP Media
This week GERALD KITABU, now in Washington for the 2012 International AIDS Conference, interviewed a South African Florence Ngobeni-Allen, an advocate and ambassador for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) on how, as a mother, she managed to survive HIV/Aids. Excerpts:

Source: Zambia Daily Mail
DAVID is sitting in the newsroom working on his story when a woman walks in with a swollen face and black eye. In a voice that could barely be heard and obviously in a lot of pain, she complains that her husband, a chief executive officer at one of the country blue-chip companies, had beaten her. David does not write the story.

Source: Daily Maverick
South Africa's oldest rape support organisation, Cape Town's Rape Crisis, has been forced to retrench all of its staff due to funding difficulties. Though it will continue running a reduced service with the aid of volunteers, its difficulties highlight a wider question about who should be footing the bill for the kinds of indispensable services offered by the likes of Rape Crisis. By REBECCA DAVIS.

Source: allAfrica

More than 30 girls from Nimba and Lofa counties have been empowered by the Women Peace and Security Network- Africa (WIPSEN-Africa), through its Young Girls Transformative Project.

Source: UNFPA
UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Babatunde Osotimehim today called on African First Ladies to use their positions and voices to stop early child marriage and teenage pregnancy.

Source: IRIN
There is no cure or vaccine yet, but "the end of AIDS" was the buzzword at the opening ceremony of the International AIDS Conference in Washington DC on 22 July.

Source: The Herald
President Mugabe yesterday officially launched Government's Broad Based Women's Economic Empowerment Framework which seeks to provide a guiding outline for economic empowerment.

Source: IRIN
South Africa has charted a significant decline in mother-to-child HIV transmission for the second consecutive year, with new data showing that just 2.7 percent of babies born to HIV-positive mums contracted the virus by six weeks of age, compared to 8 percent in 2008.

Source:RH Reality Check
A new report by the Global Commission on HIV and the Law, an independent body of former world leaders and top legal, human rights and HIV experts, released on the eve of the London Summit on Family Planning, has labeled the global response to the AIDS epidemic as "stifled."

Source: News Track India
It's a dream come true for African women, says Litha Musyimi-Ogana, the African Union's chief pointsperson on gender issues as she hails the election of the first female head of the AU Commission, saying more women in positions of power will spur the continent's resurgence.

Source: The Nation
Leymah Gbowee, the Liberian who mustered her desperate, angry countrywomen into a peace movement that helped bring down the violent regime of their president Charles Taylor, is steadily attracting international attention as one of Africa’s most powerful voices for profound social change.

Source: Radio Netherlands Worldwide
Over the years, the ambiguous nature of the Zimbabwe prostitution law has subjected women to arbitrary arrests and detention if found walking at night in the streets of Harare. Those accused of loitering have to pay a maximum fine of 16.50 euros.

Source: The Herald
THE year 2012 has thus far proved promising for the African woman's status within public bodies following the recent election of Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma as African Union Commission Chair.

Source: TrustLaw
Globally, young women between the ages of 15 and 24 years are twice as likely as their male counterparts to contract HIV. HIV is the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age. Women and girls make up 60 percent of the people living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, home to two-thirds of the world’s HIV cases.

Source: allAfrica
Melinda Gates wants you to know this: if women in poor countries can get the contraceptives they want, millions of lives will be saved.

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