Source: The Egyptian Gazette
ONE of the many misconceptions that non-Muslims have acquired about Islam is the claim of discrimination against women. This opinion much of the world has formed about Islam’s stand on woman is not actually driven by specific Qur’anic verses or the hadith (sayings) of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Instead, it is the actual practices of some extremist parties on women’s rights that has made many in the world adopt this wrong perception about Islam pertaining to prejudice against women.

Source: Global Post
Egyptian lawmakers have released a partial draft of Egypt’s highly anticipated constitution, a document meant to embody the spirit of the Tahrir Square revolution.

Source: UNFPA
At the ministerial meeting of the United Nations Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women and Children, health ministers from seven African countries committed to speed-up access to and use of 13 life-saving commodities to all women and children in their countries by 2015.

Source: This Day
Systemic barriers, such as overarching health system, financial impediments, and severely under-resourced regulatory agencies in low-income countries, market failures, have been identified as the bane of women and children suffering and dying in many countries.

Source:Gender Links
Following a new gender-quota law for local elections that came into effect January 2012, gender activists believe that this may open the door for the country to reconsider its position with regards to signing the 2008 SADC Protocol on Gender and Development.

Source: The Independent
Top woodcut printer chisels for the woman:

Source: Sudan Tribune
Adut Madut Akec, chairperson of the newly established women's parliamentary caucus in South Sudan's Warrap State Legislative Assembly on Saturday called for similar groupings to be established in the nine other state assemblies.

Source: IPS
It is a tried and tested truth that when women come together in groups they can address their issues more powerfully than they can as individuals.

Source: UN News Centre
The elimination of sexual violence in conflict is not impossible, a United Nations senior official said today, stressing that to fully eradicate this scourge there needs to be a stronger political will from governments as well as adequate legal frameworks in place to prosecute perpetrators.

Source: The Citizen

By Salma SaidThe Citizen CorrespondentZanzibar. It is estimated that each minute about 19 girls under the age of 18 around the world are forced into marriage. The situation is worse among girls in Asia, where the prevalence of the problem is 46 per cent and in Sub Saharan Africa where it is at 38 per cent.

Source: UPI

DOUALA, Cameroon (GPI)--Judith Jöelle Mbondji worked for the African Union for more than five years auditing in West, East, Central and South Africa before returning to her home country, Cameroon, in 2011.

Source: 4Traders

One third of young people in Sub-Saharan Africa fail to complete primary school and lack skills for work The tenth Education for All Global Monitoring Report, Putting Education to Work, reveals the urgent need to invest in skills for youth. In Sub-Saharan Africa, over 56 million people aged 15 to 24 have not even completed primary school and need alternative pathways to acquire basic skills for employment and prosperity.

Source: The New Vision
Students from various universities want the affirmative action policy reviewed saying it is only increasing the gender inequality gap in the country.

Source: The New Dawn
Women here have re-assured President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf of explicit confidence in her leadership in the wake of recent criticism of her administration by co-Nobel Laureate Ms. Leymah Gbowee.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
AS the Constitution Review Commission started meetings to collect people's view here last week, women's participation was dismal. Perhaps the same system that the constitutional reforms are meant to change is what had kept them away from meetings.

Source: Open Society Initative for Southern Africa
My dream is a big dream - to build a new society where all people - women and men, the young and the old - are aware of their role in promoting democracy and good governance through political participation - and where this participation does not simply translate into affiliation to a political party but into demanding their rights, adhering to their responsibilities, accessing opportunities and having social respect. My struggle is a tough struggle - to persuade women to join this revolution and to transform Mozambican youth into a real power in the country.

Source: Ghana News Agency
A Guideline for the Development and Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, was on Tuesday launched with the hope it would deepen women's contributions in peace-building efforts.

Source: CNN

Editor's note: Gordon Brown served as Britain's Prime Minister between 2007 and 2010 after a decade as the country's finance minister, or Chancellor of the Exchequer. In July this year he was appointed as a United Nations Special Envoy on Global Education by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.(CNN) 

Source: The Inquier
Rural women structures in Bong, Lofa, and Nimba Counties engaged in poultry production have identified the formulation and availability of nutritious poultry feeds as key to a sustainable poultry enterprise in Liberia.The women, drawn mainly from districts and communities in the three counties, spoke at the end of a two-day intensive chicken feeds formulation training in Gbarnga, Bong County in early September.

Source: Liberia Government
President Sirleaf addressing the World Bank Seminar in Tokyo, Japan - Women in the Private Sector - Good for Development and Business.

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