Source: IRIN
The waiting area of a clinic in northern Malawi's Nkhata Bay resembles a kindergarten, with dozens of children running around or tugging on their mothers' skirts. On average, each woman at the clinic has four small children with her.

Source: New Era

At least 122 young men and women graduated in various courses offered by the Women's Action for Development (WAD), an organization that imparts skills mainly to women.

Source: Magharebia (Washington DC)

Human rights activists are hailing a Moroccan decision to modernise the country's legislation regarding rape and child abduction.

Source: Daily Trust

I was elated when I read the report of a maternal death review that was conducted for the year 2012 in one of the northern states in a big secondary health center which also serves as a comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn center.

Mugisho ThéophileSource: A Safe World For Women
"We need people to vote for Safe World for Women in the Katerva People’s Award. If we can win this award it will be a great 
step forwards for the Women’s movement and Gender Equality Movement in the world at grassroots level.Safe World for Women works with true commitment and dedication to allow change, positive change to occur in the world. It is working tirelessly with the grassroots located in different countries around the world.

Source: Daily Trust
The impact of the inequality in lands rights has aggravated women's socio-economic status, allowed for sexual harassment and violence against women and contributed towards marital instability, separation and divorce.

Source: New Times
Plans are underway to build a polytechnic school at Gishari in the Eastern Province to equip female Police personnel with skills in plumbing, mechanics, construction, among others. This was announced at a Police Women Convention yesterday at Remera Stadium in Kigali.

Source: The Herald
WOMEN will have equal representation with their male counterparts in all Government institutions on a 50-50 percent basis if the draft Constitution is passed by Parliament and stands the test during the referendum.

Source: Tolerance
While Morocco may not have experienced a change in regime, as did Tunisia and Egypt, the country nonetheless experienced waves of popular protests.  Moreover, like in Tunisia and Egypt, women constituted a major presence in the uprisings that began on February 20, 2011.

Source: Tolerance
During the Egyptian Revolution, women displayed keen leadership abilities and a nuanced understanding of their era’s political landscape. 

Source: Tolerance
This article gives a voice to female participants in the Tunisian Spring by recounting women’s participation in these uprisings, their demands, and their assessment of the post-revolutionary era in terms of gains and/or loss of rights for women in particular and for their fellow citizens in general.

Source: US Department of State
Hillary Rodham Clinton says that in her four years as U.S. secretary of state, she and President Obama have tried to promote a world where more nations take greater responsibility for shaping their futures. She explained that foreign policy strategy January 29 as she held satellite meetings with young adults in six important regional cities around the world.

Source: New Era

Three women living with HIV have decided to make matters into their own hands in search of a living by starting their own sewing and tailoring business.

Source: New Era

At least 122 young men and women graduated in various courses offered by the Women’s Action for Development (WAD), an organization that imparts skills mainly to women.

Source: Magharebia

Human rights activists are hailing a Moroccan decision to modernise the country's legislation regarding rape and child abduction.

The Moroccan justice ministry announced last week that it would re-examine a controversial section of the kingdom's laws that allows the rapist of a minor to marry their victim.

Source: Daily Trust

The House of Representatives yesterday threw out a bill which sought exclusive breast feeding for women working in both public and private sectors compulsory.

Source: IPS
Few women in Kenya harbour illusions of entering politics. Blatant discrimination, threats and intimidations, an uneven playing field and a largely unsympathetic public have turned electoral politics into a veritable minefield for women hoping to secure top government posts.

Source: IRIN News

The relief felt by health officials and activists several months ago at the apparent outlawing of child marriages now appears to have been premature, with Swaziland’s traditional leadership recently declaring that such unions are acceptable under customary law. 

Source: allAfrica

A DELEGATION of women's rights activists attending the 20th African Union (AU) Summit have called on all Heads of State to make stronger commitments to stop rising cases of rape and conflict.

Source: allAfrica

At least ten pregnant women have died as a result of bad road condition from Felinken to Palatroken in Sinoe County.

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