Source: The New Vision
Jennifer Nayiko 29 years, a resident of Kawempe has been 'leaking' for 10 years. She has gone from doctor to doctor to try and stop the flow, but her condition gets worse by the day.

Researchers in South Africa have developed a low-cost tool to test for HIV drug resistance, potentially opening the door to improved treatment for users of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs).

Source: This Day
To stem maternal mortality in Ebonyi State, the wife of the governor, Josephine Elechi has stepped up the campaign against obstetrics fistula.

Source: This Day
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is set to collaborate with the Ministry of Labour and Productivity towards reviewing the policy on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, in line with Recommendation 200, which is aimed at preventing mother-to-child transmission.

Source: The Star
The government has disbursed Sh500,000 to ten women groups in Mandera East to boost their income generating ventures. Each group received cheque worth Sh50,000 from the revolving Women Enterprise Fund.

Source: Mail & Guardian
Uganda is considering extraordinary measures against women's rights that would see arrests for wearing skirts above the knee in public.

Source: East African Business Week
Trade Mark East Africa (TMEA) has devised means at protecting cross border women traders in a bid to boost intra-trade that accounts for a bigger percentage of the trade receipts to member states.

Source: The Independent
On the last day of my Easter holidays, Dr. Phoebe Abe (or, as I know her, my mother) sat down in her living room with me and several women from Somalia, Egypt and Sudan. My mother, a GP, had for some time been looking at the issue of female genital mutilation (FGM) with Dr Comfort Momoh MBE.

Source: The New Vision
There was a time when a mere mention of high blood pressure and its sister illness, diabetes, brought to mind a grown man or woman in their 50s or 60s, but not anymore. Children as young as seven years, are being diagnosed with the illness, write Titus Kakembo and Priscilla Butera.

Source: New Era
The Oshakati Intermediate Hospital has suspended the two nurses and three support service staff members who were on duty in the maternity ward on the day Adeleheid Jacob lost her baby.

Source: The Star
Police in Nandi arrested a primary school headteacher for defiling and impregnating a standard eight pupil.

Source: Alarabiya
This is not the Tunisia I know and love. That was my first impression when I recently visited the North African nation I have grown fond of over two decades of extensive visits and following meetings with many of the strong, smart Tunisian women I always admired and respected.

Source: FOROYAA Newspaper
According to a press release issued by GAMCOTRAP on 8 April, it will celebrate the dropping of the knife by 30 circumcisers from 27 clusters and 336 communities in Central River Region North on 13 April, 2013.

Source: New Times
Over the next several weeks,  Business Times will profile women involved in business, who will share their success stories and experiences of how they made it in the cutthroat, competitive and male-dominated business world. They will also tell us how they started out, what inspired them and how they have managed to make their business dreams come true.

Source: New Times
Women for Women International (WWI) donated 50 dairy goats to rural women in Eastern Province's Kabarondo Sector, Kayonza District on Friday.

Source: Government of Ghana
Ms Afi Azaratu Yakubu, Executive Director of Foundation for Security and Development in Africa (FOSDA), has been acclaimed for being decorated with 2013 Martin Luther King Jr. Award for Peace and Social Justice.

Source: UN WOMEN
As of 5 April, only 1,000 days remain until the end of the 2015 target date for achieving the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The eight MDGs – which range from halving extreme poverty to promoting gender equality to providing universal primary education by the target date of 2015 – form an internationally agreed blueprint which countries and leading development institutions have signed onto.

Source: Unesco
UNESCO, in partnership with the South Sudan Women Empowerment Network (SSWEN) and a local radio station, carried out a capacity building training for women living in Guedele, a suburb located in South Sudan. The training was organized in the framework of the “Women’s Voices” project aimed at enabling women across the country’s ten states to talk about issues that are important for them, such as girls’ education and access to clean water.

Source: UN Radio
The Government and religious leaders of Egypt must send a clear and categorical signal that the vicious crimes of rape and other sexual assaults will not be tolerated, said Zainab Bangura in a statement on Wednesday.

Source: The Independent
Talk of ‘abandonment’ of FGM is not realistic in African communities where it is still practised.The brutal realities of FGM as a severe form of violence against women and girls are clearly demonstrated by a recent case which Equality Now worked on with local partners in Liberia.

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