Source: The Point
A two-day sub-regional Islamic scholars dialogue to end female genital mutilation, FGM, organised and hosted by Gamcotrap in collaboration with Save the Children is under way in Banjul.

Source: The Star
It has been 30 years since the first case of HIV was reported in Kenya. Although a lot has improved since then, including access to free anti-retroviral drugs, stigma is still rife.

Source: Daily Trust
Dr. Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi is the Executive Director of the Women Advocates Research and Documentation Center (WARDC), a leading civil rights group demanding governance accountability and promoting women’s human rights in Nigeria.

Source: SA News
Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, has launched a new contraceptive device, which will from June, be available to women, free at all state clinics.

Source: International Business Times
Over 10,000 women and children are at risk of being killed or seriously injured by former or current partners in the UK, according to police assessments.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
Hai — IGNORANCE of the law is the main cause of gender based violence escalation in Hai District, a lawyer has said.

Source: Inter Press Service
Zanzibar — The story of Feiza*, an 18-year-old girl who was abducted and raped, is a bleak testament to the worsening plight of women in Tanzania's semi-autonomous archipelago, Zanzibar.

Source: Daily Observer
The International Visitor's Leadership Programme (IVLP) Gambia chapter on Tuesday launched the Women Empowerment Project during a three-day workshop at the Tango conference hall, along Bertil Harding Highway.

Source: The Financial Gazette
FROM birth she is expected to adhere to the cultural, traditional and societal dictates expected of her. At adolescence she may be pushed into an early marriage or end up with an unwanted pregnancy.

Source: The New Times
The First Lady, Jeannette Kagame, has said Rwanda is determined to fight gender-based violence and has urged the public to join efforts to stop the vice

Source: Daily Observer
The vice president of the Republic and Women's Affairs minister, Her Excellency Aja Dr. Isatou Njie-Saidy, was Wednesday morning briefed about the activities of Coca Cola Company, including the bottling firm's global project of empowering five million women entrepreneurs by the year 2020.

Source: UN Women
We the Ministers of Gender and Women’s Affairs from African Union Member States met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 6th and 7th February 2014 to deliberate on progress made in the achievement of the MDGs and reach consensus to strengthen gender equality and women’s empowerment in the Africa Common Position on the Post 2015 Development Agenda.

Source: Marie Claire
A region long seen as poor and disconnected—has plugged into the Web in a big way. Mobile-phone applications, hardware hacks, and trending Twitter topics are commonplace in Nairobi, where a high density of tech evangelists has earned the Kenyan capital the nickname Silicon Savannah. And increasingly, African women are driving this renaissance.

Source: Journalist's Resource
As is the case in many developing countries — as well as in advanced economies such as the United States – women in sub-Saharan Africa still often lack access to the same chances for economic success as their male counterparts. 

Source: IPPMedia
No body can deny that rural women, in not only Tanzania but also elsewhere in Africa, are faced with many challenges, including overwork-particularly with regard to household chores and farming.

Source: The Atlantic
The world has many coming-of-age traditions: sweet sixteens, bar mitzvahs, quinceañeras. But in one African country, 'initiation' is endangering the health of girls and boys.

Source: ANHRI
On Sunday February 23, 2014, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights held an event to launch its new report, entitled "Reclaiming and Redefining Rights: ICPD+20 Status of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Middle East and North Africa".

Source: The Times of Zambia
THE Non Governmental Organisations' Coordinating Council (NGOCC) has welcomed the imprisonment of a 49-year-old executive of Lusaka who has been imprisoned for 18 months by the Lusaka Magistrate's Court for assaulting his wife.

Source: The Herald
Zimbabwe will next month hold a national indaba to review progress on the Sadc Protocol on Gender as the 2015 deadline to meet set targets nears. Similar meetings will take place in 10 Sadc countries, culminating in a regional summit expected to take place in South Africa in May.

Source: Newtimes
The First Lady, Jeannette Kagame, is today expected to officially launch the scale-up of Isange One Stop Centre for gender-based violence (GBV) victims at Nyagatare District Hospital, Eastern Province.

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