Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is the worst place to be a mother, according to a report by Save the Children.

DRC, which was also ranked by the UN as the worst place to be a woman in 2013, has been ravaged by war for nearly 20 years, and the effects are clearly evident in the plight of the country's female population.

Source: AWID
The declaration, released in Washington on Wednesday, comes in the context of a 20-year review by the United Nations of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo. That landmark conference called for safe access to abortions in countries where the procedure was legal, while Wednesday's declaration calls for the

Source: UN Women
The needs of women and girls are increasingly being reflected in how governments spend in Morocco and a new organic law of finance passed in January 2014 by the Council of Government has cemented gender throughout the budgeting process.

Source: Trust
YAOUNDE (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Elizabeth Maimo, a 52-year-old farmer in Santa in Cameroon's Northwest Region, has struggled since custom dictated she surrender her piece of family land in 2012 to her younger brother, a herder, who wanted more space to breed cows.

Source: Destiny Connect
Mining magnate Daphne Mashile-Nkosi has proven that she can rule Africa's male-dominated industry with an iron fist

Known to many as the "iron lady" of Mzansi's male-dominated mining industry, it's no wonder the spotlight fell on Daphne Mashile-Nkosi when she was recently announced as CEO of the Year at the African CEO Forum held in Geneva,

Source: The Daily Observer
The African Women Foundation for Nation Building (WINB) has made another appointment, this time picking the Nigerian ambassador to The Gambia and the current dean of Diplomatic Corps in Banjul as member of its Board of Governance, the Daily Observer has gathered.

Source: The Herald
Women should be acknowledged for their major role in farming and household and national food security, Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development Minister Dr Joseph Made has said.

Source: Daily Trust
Experts in maternal health continue to push for statutory review of deaths in pregnant women and mothers in efforts to account for the life of every mother, but insist political will is lacking.

Source: PR Newswire

Worldwide — International Effort Includes Globe-athon "STEPtember" Pledge to take 10,000 steps a Day for Gynecological Cancer Awareness

Source: The Herald
President Mugabe has called for a nationwide campaign against abuse of women and children, saying imposition of stiffer penalties on perpetrators alone is insufficient to curb the crime.

Source: The Observer
Women have been urged to prepare themselves for business opportunities by getting market information to compete for the same jobs with men.

Source: The Daily Observer
The executive director of Action Aid International The Gambia, Ousman Badjie has said that Action Aid has ensured that its development agenda and interventions impact positively on the lives of people living in poverty, and that development is sustainable, relevant and appropriate to the lives and livelihoods of the poor,

source: Times Of Zambia
FIRST Lady Christine Kaseba has said contributions women make to the economic sector of the country and Africa as a whole should be recognised.

Source: UNDP
Esnart Siandavu, 49, is engaged in a passionate discussion with a group of farmers on how to grow better crops. Over the past 10 years, their Southern Zambian village of Muyumbela has been prone to extreme weather events such as floods and droughts.

Source: The Washington Post
A year ago, Egyptian politician and women's rights activist Mervat Tallawy defied the Muslim Brotherhood to spearhead the adoption of a U.N. blueprint to combat violence against women. Now she's back campaigning against conservatives to ensure that equality for women remains at the top of the U.N. agenda.

Source: International Campaign To Stop Rape And Gender Violence In Conflict
The International Campaign to Stop Rape & Gender Violence in Conflict calls on the global community to take immediate steps to ensure an end to the current conflict in South Sudan, which is disproportionally impacting women and children.

Source: The Guardian
Six years after being gang-raped and beaten in front of her husband and four-year-old child during a wave of post-election violence in Kenya, Nancy is still awaiting justice.

Source: Urban Faith
For a while the most popular literature and television programming about black people captured no sense of African consciousness. We've been far removed from The Cosby Show which introduced many of my generation to Miriam Makeba or A Different World which introduced us to divesting from businesses that supported apartheid in South Africa. Those shows and others of the late 80s to early 90s taught my generation that we don't only have a history in Africa but our actions affect our present and future connection with the continent.

Source: Reuters Foundation
So it's not just women who think they should get a bigger piece of the pie, that's also the opinion of many of the speakers and participants at the World Bank's Land and Poverty Conference in Washington.

Source: Shabait
At an assessment meeting conducted in Haikota sub-zone call has been made to conduct integrated efforts to enhance female students' school enrollment.

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