Source: Addis Standard

SEATTLE — Africa's GDP is now growing faster than any other continent's. When many people think about the engines driving that growth, they imagine commodities like oil, gold, and cocoa, or maybe industries like banking and telecommunications. I think of a woman named Joyce Sandir.

Source: The New Times
SHE is the founder and president of Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS), which is a women's movement.

Time Magazine also listed Senegalese-born Bineta Diop among the world's most influential people in 2011; she has been instrumental in peace building initiatives in Africa with focus on the protection of women during conflict and their inclusion in peace processes.

Source: FrontPageAfrica 
The Gender Section of the National Elections Commission (NEC) has begun the conduct of a string of regional Gender Seminars to encourage Women's Political participation in the ensuing Special Senatorial Election.

Source: Tanzania Daily News
MALE chauvinism can be traced as far back as humanity and despite efforts by various governments and civil society organisations to end the social anomaly, women continue being reduced to second-class citizens who have no say over matters concerning their lives.

Source: The Daily Observer
The 'Operation Save A Baby' initiative of the First Lady of the Republic, Her Excellency Zineb Yahya Jammeh has received cash donations from various institutions and staff of the Ministry of Trade, Integration and Employment, amounting to D53, 475. The monies were received Tuesday by the vice president and Women's Affairs minister, Her Excellency Aja Dr. Isatou Njie-Saidy, on behalf of the beneficiary during ceremonies held at State House.

Source: ICTJ
More than six years after the war in Uganda came to a formal end, the country has taken a landmark first step by unanimously adopting a resolution that opens the door to the country's first gender-sensitive reparations fund.

Source: MSAfropolitan
Last month, a group of circa 40 women gathered in Banjul, Gambia for a transformational feminist leadership workshop organised by Women Living Under Muslim Law (WLUML). I was one of the trainers at the weeklong workshop; my sessions were about using communication for feminist advocacy. 

Source: FIDH
Sexual harassment and assault against women remain rife, our organisations warn in a report released today, constituting major obstacles to their participation in the political transition of their country. Successive governments have failed to take measures to stop violence against women and such crimes continue to meet with complete impunity.

Source: The Guardian
While attention in the sector has recently been focused on the IPCC's latest report on climate change, in Sudan women have been quietly making breakthroughs by issuing the country's first carbon credits. In a country blighted by conflict and drought, the Women's Development Association Network (WDAN) representing over 50,000 women in Sudan, is driving economic growth and reversing deforestation.

Source: Africa Journalism
Lesotho's highest court today struck a serious blow against women's rights and gender equality by upholding a discriminatory section of the Chieftainship Act, which denies daughters the right to succeed to chieftainship solely due to their gender.

Source: KC Team
In Malawi, a new civil society charter to tackle HIV and TB is prioritising gender-based messages to help change people's behaviour.

Source: Times of Zambia
GOVERNMENT says it is disheartening to learn that maternal mortality cases are still high in Zambia, especially as a result of unsafe abortions.

Source: The Star
Many counties are still practising Female Genital Mutilation, the Anti- FGM Board has said. The board's chairperson Jebii Kilimo said FGM is practised extensively in Pokot, Marakwet, Baringo and Narok counties.

Source: Leadership
Abuja — As 2015 creeps in, the Coalition of Civil Society Organisations of Nigeria has challenged Nigerian women to build on successes recorded in recent past and ensure they vie for more and higher elective offices in 2015.

Source: East African Business Week
Kigali — She survived the horrific 1994 Genocide, but since then her livelihood has depended on showing self-initiative, hard work and an appreciation for learning new skills.

Source: News24
Abuja — THE Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development is hopeful the Widows' Empowerment Scheme would address the plight of such women in the country.

Source: 24Tanzania
A total of 97 female Police officers who returned home last week after successfully completing a one-year peacekeeping mission under the United Nations African Union Hybrid Mission in Darfur (Unamid) have been commended for their professional conduct and discipline exhibited during their mission.

Source: Daily Trust
The women wing of Nasrul-lahi Fathi Society of Nigeria (NASFAT) in Kwara State yesterday staged a peaceful protest over the abduction of over 200 female students of Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok, Borno State and other acts of violence by insurgents in parts of the country.

Source: The Namibian
ELEVEN incidents of rape were reported countrywide over the Easter weekend, including that of a five-year-old.

Source: Policymic
"We're gathered to celebrate Women's History Month, but I don't celebrate Women's History Month," announced writer Mona Charen, one of the panelists at the Heritage Foundation's recent panel on feminism and happiness.

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