Source: Leadership
Gov. Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta, has urged pregnant women in rural areas to access the free modern maternal healthcare provided by the state government.

Source: The Voice
Kudirat Abiola, who became leader of the country's pro-democracy movement after her husband MKO Abiola was jailed, was assassinated for her activism

Source: The Guardian
The country's new constitution is a great milestone, but it still has to be implemented – a challenge that also remains elsewhere

Tanzanian women have until now had to rely on tenuous rights to land to feed themselves and their families.
In a milestone for Tanzania, the country's proposed new constitution provides women with equal rights to own and use land.

Source: Algeria Press Service
The speaker of the Council of the Nation (Upper House of parliament) Abdelkader Bensalah underlined Monday in Geneva at the 131st Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly, which is being held from 12 to 16 October, Algeria's achievements regarding the promotion of women and fight against violence against women.

Source: Voice of America
Women and children in South Sudan have been the victims of horrific sexual violence since the country plunged into conflict 10 months ago, the UN Secretary General's Special Envoy on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Zainab Bangura, said after a week-long visit.

Source: The Guardian
Women are not only more likely to be infected; their education, healthcare, food security and livelihoods are also suffering

SourceAl Arabyia News
In Tunisia, the person who dared to remove the flag of an extremist organization from the roof of an arts and humanities college was a woman, not a man. It was Khaoula Rashidi who confronted extremist Salafists and kept the Tunisian flag raised. The person who stood up against the country's justice minister and thwarted his plans was also a woman. Judge Koulthoum Kennou, president of the association of Tunisian magistrates, launched a campaign against the minister - who belongs to the Islamist Ennahda party - and succeeded at preventing him from subjugating the judiciary to serve his party's interests.

Source: Ventures Africa
Compared to other regions of the world, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest number of female entrepreneurs. These women are mostly owners of small businesses and local community shops serving the unmet needs of their homes and consumers.

Source: Guardian Liberty Voice
This year’s International Day of the Girl was observed through a fundraiser that raised awareness for a group in Kenya. The evening hosted musical and dance performances as well as information about the program that inspired it. The event follows on a two-year-old resolution by the United Nations, which declared October 11 as International Day of the Girl

Source: WorldStage News Online
The Nigerian Government and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission at the weekend agreed to work together towards promoting girl-child education and treatment of Vascular Virginal Fistula Patients in the country.

Source: Daily News Egypt
Physical or sexual violence is a serious public health problem that affects more than one-third of all women globally, as was established in a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the South African Medical Research Council.

Source: PBS
World leaders and the United Nations spotlighted the problem of violence against women around the world during the U.N.'s third International Day of the Girl on Saturday.

Source: The Standard
The Standard Group joined the world in celebrating the International Day of the Girl Child 2014. The day, whose theme this year was "Empowering adolescent girls: Ending the cycle of violence", was marked yesterday.

Source: News Day
This is a controversial question that is constantly raised when women are jeered, taunted or sometimes stripped naked for wearing miniskirts or short dresses.

Source: Africa Science News
Global children's charity, Plan International has called on governments in Africa to invest in girls´ education in order to create an even-playing field for men and women in leadership positions and to improve the numbers and influence of women in all political decision -making structures.

Source: Emerging Markets
Women's participation in the labour force still lags men's by 12% even in developed economies. In the MENA region it can be up to 50%. That is a wasted resource - and best practice examples show countries and companies that tackle the problem outperform.

Source: The Standard
More than half (60 per cent) of all pregnancies to women under the age of 25 ended in an abortion in Kisii since July this year, a study has revealed.

Source: Daily Times
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for stepping up efforts to end violence against women and girls, saying many of the almost one billion young and adolescent females living around the world continue to face daily challenges to their development and overall diminished potential due to the enduring scourge of gender discrimination and violence.

Source: allAfrica                                                                                                                                                                                         
The 131st assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) will be held from 12 to 16 October in Geneva (Switzerland) under the theme "Achieving gender equality, ending violence against women."

Source: Spy Ghana                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Plan, an International Children's Development Organisation, has called on governments and policy makers to put gender equality at the "heart of the post 2015 framework," and ensure that rights and needs of adolescent girls were addressed.

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