Source: Gender Links
The Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG) has called on UN member states to include strong provisions on gender, media and information communication technologies (ICTs) in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Source: Euronews
"A symbol of the peaceful fight against sexual violence, poverty and discrimination," is how the jury of the Asturias Awards described Caddy Adzuba in awarding her its Concord Prize, the Spanish royal foundation's equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Source: East African Community
The 7th Ordinary Meeting of the East African Inter-parliamentary Forum on Health Population and Development opened today at the Hilton Hotel, in Nairobi, Kenya.

Source: All Eyes On Africa
Today, we are so proud of Nigerian democracy activist and women’s right advocate Dr. Josephine Odumakin who was recently awarded the2013 United State Secretary of State’s International Woman of Courage Award.

Source: FIDH
As Egypt prepares for its second cycle of the Universal Periodic Review at the UN Human Rights Council, the human rights situation in the country continues to deteriorate. Independent civil society groups including human rights organizations are facing unprecedented threats of closure and prosecution.

Source: The Daily Vox
The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) on Tuesday launched a global funding campaign to raise R10-million rand by the end of November.

Source: The News Record
A student leader is using her position to bring an event to the University of Cincinnati designed to inspire women to find their inner royalty.

Source: The Independent
A pioneering British charity founder has won a $500,000 (£313,000) global award for her work in helping to bring education to more than a million girls in Africa.

Source: Daily Mail
TEACHER unions are in a better position to wage a serious campaign to uplift the status and position of women and girls in the country, Education Deputy permanent secretary Christine Mayondi has said.

Source: Al Monitor
When Mona Karam landed in California, the young Egyptian civil engineer's professional goals added up to little more than a vague desire to get a master's degree in whatever the latest tech trend happens to be, she said.

Source: The Point
Youth and Sports minister Alieu K Jammeh has urged youths, particularly young women, to be more hardworking and to jealously guard their culture and traditions, "characteristics that underpin our humanity with dignity and strong personality."

Source: All Africa
The largest gains in primary school completion over the past decade were observed among girls, while secondary education remains a challenge for adolescent girls in many regions, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and South and West Asia, says the governor of West Coast Region, Aminata Sifaye Hydara.

Source: The Guardian
But report warns population growth could outpace family planning programmes in some countries despite range of contraception initiatives

Source: CBS News
Namibia's Supreme Court upheld a ruling that health workers sterilized HIV-positive women without their consent, a human rights group said Monday.

Source: Ghana Web
Ghana’s High Commissioner to Namibia, Alhaji Abdul-Rahman Harruna Attah, MOV, has declared that education is crucial in the empowerment of young African women.

Source: Ghana Web
Ghana’s High Commissioner to Namibia, Alhaji Abdul-Rahman Harruna Attah, MOV, has declared that education is crucial in the empowerment of young African women.

Source: African Brains
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), over 70 million girls of primary or secondary school age were not enrolled in 2009.

Source: East African Business Week
The Human Rights Watch report on child marriages in Tanzania, documents how child marriages severely curtail girls' access to education.

Source: The Huffington Post
As in most emergencies, girls in Sierra Leone serve as primary care givers and providers in their families. They are at the frontline of the fight against the deadly Ebola outbreak but invisible in the national response -- receiving little or no protection, recognition or support.

Source: Morocco World News
If you are a Moroccan woman, The Global Gender Gap Report 2014 will make you want to sob. According to the report, Moroccan women are ranked 133 out of 142 countries in terms of equality. To put it into perspective, Moroccan women are doing a little better than women from Chad (140), but worse than women from Guinea (132).

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