Source: The Guardian
espite social and sporting progress, even the best teams at the Women's Africa Cup of Nations stuggle to fund friendlies.

Source: allAfrica

At least 94 percent of female students in tertiary institutions are experiencing sexual harassment, an organisation working with universities has revealed.

Yvonne Mudapakati, programmes officer for Female Students Network Trust (FSNT), also told the parliamentary committee on Women Affairs that lecturers were also among the top offenders.




Source: UN News Centre

7 February 2017 – The highest United Nations official tasked with advocating against the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war urged today Libyan authorities to protect migrants from rape and other human rights violations.

In a statement, Zainab Hawa Bangura, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, called on the Libyan Government and on the international community as a whole to protect migrants who are living or passing through Libya.

Source: UN News Centre

6 February 2017 – Female genital mutilation denies women and girls their dignity and causes needless pain and suffering, with consequences that endure for a lifetime and can even be fatal, United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has said, stressing that the UN Sustainable Development Agenda promises an end to this practice by 2030.

 Source: allAfrica

Dar es Salaam — Drama unfolded as a middle-aged woman, Ms Swahaba Shosi, stepped forward waving a placard that drew President John Magufuli's attention during the event to mark the Law Day at Mahakama grounds. Her red dress made it easier for everyone to notice her. Her placard spoke volumes: "Police, the DPP and the Judiciary are conspiring to deny me the right to inherit property left by my husband even though I have all legal documents."

Source: UN Women

The Africa Ministerial Pre-Consultative Meeting convened in Addis Ababa to prepare for the upcoming 61st session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW61) concluded successfully with a unified Africa position, “One Africa One Voice”.

Source: Premium Times
A Nigerian, ImeIme Umana, has made history as the first black woman president of the Harvard Law Review, a prestigious legal journal in the United States.

Source: Amnesty International
Women and girls risk unsafe abortions that can lead to serious health complications, and even death, due to persistent barriers to legal abortion services, according to research by Amnesty International and the Women’s Health Research Unit of the School of Public Health and Family Medicine at the University of Cape Town.

Source: The Namibian 
First Lady Monica Geingos has called on schools to include sexual education in their curriculum and to empower young women about their sexual rights.

Source: The Guardian 
A national campaign carrying the symbol of a red triangle will be rolled out across the UK to mark the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation.

Thank you very much, Madame Regional Director, and previous speakers. I do want to thank Ethiopia for hosting us so graciously, ECA for accommodating us so warmly, and the African Union for the support, and for the remarks of the Chairperson.


It was early morning when a young sheikh, Abdi Iidan, and his wife joined the long queue leading to a tent in Morodijeex, in north-western Somalia. Mr. Iidan stood out from the crowd; women dominated the queue.

There is a growing global drive to eradicate female genital mutilation (FGM) in a generation. Ministers, U.N. officials and campaigners from around the world meet in Rome on Monday for a major conference to discuss how to accelerate efforts to end the practice. Here are some facts.


Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation
As climate change pushes men to take over land once left to women, women could get a set aside of government land.

Source: Aswat Masriya
Nearly five years ago, when Safaa* was 26 and a mother of two, she discovered that she had HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) - a disease which destroys the immune system of its host. To her, this was worse than a death sentence - it would force her to keep her medical history secret from even her closest relatives for the rest of her life.

Source: Daily Observer
Ahead of the 2017 General and Presidential Elections, the Liberia National Women's Political Forum (LNWPF), the Coalition of Political Parties' Women in Liberia (COPPWL) and the Women's Legislative Caucus (WLC) have issued strong messages calling for more women as candidates on the tickets of political parties.

Source: Lusaka Times
The Africa Ministerial Pre-Consultative Meeting on the 61st Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 61st) on the theme “Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work” opened in Addis Ababa Thursday with Deputy Executive Secretary Giovanie Biha of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) urging Africa to repeal legislation that discriminate against women and girls.

Source: Reuters
MOGADISHU, Jan 25 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Somali teenager Ibshira glances back to make sure she is not being followed as she cuts across Mogadishu, passing rubble from bombed buildings and soldiers armed with automatic weapons.

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