Source: News Ghana
A total of 1,357 criminals were sentenced to life sentences or many years of imprisonment in South Africa between July 1 and Dec. 31 last year for various crimes related to women and children, police said on Wednesday.

Source: Global Health Now 

This is a story about my best friend’s mother and my mother’s best friend. One died from cervical cancer. One survived. 

Source: Business Ghana
Ghana and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) on Wednesday launched the “Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future (O3)” Programme to enhance Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in the Africa.

Source: Daily Trust
Women leaders in Nigeria have urged political leaders to involve more women in their activities towards peaceful general elections.

Source: FrontPageAfrica
A local pro-democracy and women rights advocacy group working in Southeastern Liberia, National Institute for Public Opinion (NIPO), has raised alarm on the issue low turnout of women participating in politics in Liberia.

Source: Liberian Observer
Ministers tasked with gender and children’s affairs from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) member countries have made a common position against child marriage in the region, a release has said.

Source: This Day
Funmi Ogundare writes that despite the harsh environment of Makoko, a slum in Lagos, the Centre for Children’s Health Education, Orientation and Protection, an advocacy group committed to girl-child education is empowering the girls through scholarships, mentorship and training to enable them succeed

Source: Tunis Afrique Press
A regional conference on documentation and strategic planning on gender in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan will be organised by the Centre of Arab Women for Training and Research (CAWTAR) on January 30-31.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation

A ruling by Kenyan's top court that schools can ban the hijab could lead to Muslim girls - already at risk from practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage - dropping out of school, campaigners warned on Friday.

Liberia has joined 11 West African countries to embrace the "50 Million African Women Speak (50MWS) Project", a women's economic empowerment initiative that is meant to improve the ability of women to grow and sustain their businesses.

Source: Bulawayo 24 News
Scores of women from Harare's Hopley area alleged they were raped by soldiers during the ongoing crackdown against opposition activists linked to last week's protests against fuel price hikes which turned violent, resulting in the killing of 12 people by security forces.

Source: Swenga
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24 January as International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education for peace and development. Without inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, countries will not succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty that is leaving millions of children, youth and adults behind.

Source: Daily Monitor
The Police in Kween District have arrested 19 people over allegations of aiding women and girls to undergo the illegal Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in various sub-counties.

Nigeria's anti-trafficking agency said it has found thousands of missing girls and women in southern Mali, many of whom were sold as sex slaves.

Source: ThisIsAfrica
A study by the Reproductive, Educative and Community Health Programme (REACH) has shown that traditionalists in Uganda have now shifted to circumcising married women with the consent of their families, causing the prevalence of FGM to rise drastically in older women.

Source: Forbes
As leaders gather in Davos this week, ecological challenges are on top of the agenda. The World Economic Forum Global Risks report released earlier this month cast shadows on our common future. The top three most likely risks for 2019 are all climate-related: extreme weather, failure of climate-change mitigation, and adaptation and natural disasters. A lot of climate solutions already exist that need to be scaled up, such as this grassroots solution pioneered by International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) that works with women in indigenous communities in Kenya.

Source: New York Times
MARADI, Niger — He didn’t hit her. He didn’t yell. He didn’t cheat, as far as she knows. It was just that, less than two years into their marriage, Zalika Amadou’s husband had changed. He’d become far too neglectful and indifferent for a young woman who expected, well, more.

Source: CNN
On a warm Saturday afternoon, more than a dozen young men and teenage boys sit on plastic chairs in a yard in their neighborhood.They gather to talk about women, respect -- and sex.It's a meeting that occurs twice a week in Pankop, a small town in Mpumalanga province, in eastern South Africa.Some of these young men are virgins, and the group's head, Kabelo Chabalala, is at pains to emphasize that it is OK to be one.

Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation News

No schoolgirls in western Kenya are being forced to undergo examinations for female genital mutilation, Kenyan authorities said on Tuesday, after a government official sparked outrage by proposing compulsory tests to curb the crime.

George Natembeya, commissioner for Narok County, said on Friday that girls returning to school after the Christmas break were being screened for female genital mutilation (FGM) in order to prosecute their parents and traditional cutters.

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