Source: UN News Centre
The head of the United Nations population fund today urged Member States and development partners to take quick action to facilitate universal access to reproductive health, the empowerment of women and poverty alleviation.

Source: IRIN
As news of Laurent Gbagbo’s fall from Côte d’Ivoire’s presidency spread around Abidjan, residents of the economic capital expressed a mixture of relief, anger and apprehension. Albertine, a midwife who hails from the Cocody District of the city, scene of the fiercest fighting in recent days, said Alassane Ouattara’s victory as president was tainted.

Source: IRIN
A former politician, diplomat and aid worker, few people have witnessed the fight against HIV from as many international vantage points as former UN Special Envoy for AIDS in Africa, Stephen Lewis. Now co-director of the international advocacy organization, AIDS-Free World, Lewis spoke to IRIN/PlusNews about the direction of the international response to HIV.

Source: Unicef
UNICEF called today for an immediate end to the siege of Misrata, warning that tens of thousands of children were at risk in the conflict-ridden city.

Source: The Herald
BEFORE he went silent after he was unceremoniously relieved of the presidency of the MDC-M, Deputy Prime Minister Professor Arthur Mutambara was very vocal about the need to develop a national branding strategy and a common vision for Zimbabwe.

Source: Mail&Guardian
The Muslim Marriages Bill, which seeks to regularise and regulate Muslim marriages, has been characterised by extensive consensus building, negotiation and compromise between academics, activists, religious bodies, civil society organisations and women's groups.

Source: The Citizen
WINDHOEK. University of Namibia students are participating in a range of activities to create awareness on the need to stamp out gender-based violence after research showed that the problem - which has become an acknowledged social challenge in the country - exists at their institution.

Source: BikyaMasr
CAIRO: A group of some 16 women organization announced on Sunday the launch of the Women’s Organizations Coalition in a press conference discussing the role of Egyptian women in formulating and building a democratic country after the January 25 revolution.

Source:The Guardian
They are uniquely placed to mediate in civil wars, so why aren't we listening to them? Men with guns are littering Ivory Coast with corpses while my female companions in P.A's Ribhouse in downtown Monrovia outline inspired, achievable solutions to ending that conflict.

Source:  UN Nesw Centre
Women have played a critical role in the pro-democracy protest movements that have swept across North Africa and the Middle East this year, and their rights and leadership potential must continue to be encouraged, the head of the new United Nations entity for gender equality and women’s empowerment said today.

Source: IRIN
Ivoirians who have fled across the border to Liberia have reported incidents of rape, sexual abuse and murder to NGOs and human rights groups working in Grand Geddeh and Nimba counties.

Source: World Food Programme
Like many other women in her village, Elise spends all of her energy providing for her family. Thanks to the Lowlands Management Project, she can now afford education and health care for her six children.

Source: UN WOMEN
Keynote address delivered by UN Women Executive Director Michelle Bachelet at the 5th Global Colloquium of University Presidents, University of Pennsylvania, 5 April 2011.

Source: United Nations Informations Centres
Taking advantage of their presence in New Delhi to participate in a Peacekeeping Vision 2015 Seminar hosted by the United Services Institution of India, UNIC New Delhi organized a press conference on 6 April 2011 with DPKO ASG Anthony Banbury and Margot Wallström, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict.

Source: UN WOMEN
Political participation, economic empowerment and ending violence against women emphasized as key to gender equality in meetings with US legislators

Source: IRIN
When IRIN/PlusNews recently visited Nuna Kahiro, 75, in Kenya's Rift Valley town of Nakuru, she asked the same question she asks everyone who visits: "Did you bring me anything to eat?"

SOURCE: allAfrica
THAT women got only 96 out of 1531 elective positions available in the 2007 elections in Nigeria in 2007 is a big concern to major international non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Source: Human Rights Watch
Libyan authorities should immediately allow Eman al-‘Obeidy, the woman who alleged that she was raped by Muammar Gaddafi's security forces, to leave Tripoli for her safety and to receive medical care, Human Rights Watch said today. 

Source:  NewVision
A delegation from Swaziland is in the country to learn from Uganda's experience in integrating microfinance services into HIV interventions.

Source: IRIN
 The evening meal will be stewed leaves tasting somewhat like spinach, which the women pick every morning, yet crops were standing tall before the leafhoppers flew into Zinder in Niger and devoured anything green. The official response to a region on the edge of survival has been slow, but then the women went to see the Prefect.

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